First of Its Kind Novel Cures of Chronic Cough
Reimagine ~ "Actual routine cough cure; not just a treatment." - The Habit Cough Association is a telemedicine cough cure medical research, education, news, and patient advocacy organization for doctors, researchers, adult, & pediatric patients. We are supported by an international team of medical translators, & contributors. All information contained herein has been peer reviewed & published where necessary. Not medical advice. Consult with your doctors. This website has been created and maintained by Dennis and Bethany Buettner. We have consulted with Dr. Miles Weinberger but he does not directly contribute to this site.
Special research notes for medical professionals, parents, and adult patients:
1. Cure: "A cure is when a treatment makes a health problem go away and it's not expected to come back." "A treatment is something that health care providers do for their patients to control a health problem, lessen its symptoms, or clear it up." Dr. Weinberger's procedure is indeed a rapid and permanent cure as noted above.
2. Cough: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; in context, it typically refers to a properly diagnosed, "awake," (daytime only; absent once asleep; only to return once awake) "habit cough." "Rapid," "permanent," and "replicable" refers to Dr. Weinberger's in-office, telemedicine & YouTube documentary cure. Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.
Click HERE for our "one sheet." It is a single page that best explains Dr. Weinberger's procedure.
Click HERE for a the script that Dr. Weinberger utilizes in the curative documentary below.
It is now available at no cost, in 10 world languages. HERE (Arabic, & Russian translations needed.)

There is NO cost, or fee associated with Dr. Weinberger's drug-free; rapid & permanent acute, and chronic cough cure by-proxy below. It is available at no cost every in the world.
REMEMBER - Dr. Weinberger emphasizes that RECOVERY from your habit cough is THE most important part after the cure. Read up on recovery techniques and stories HERE.
"Awesome! ... "I left the room, 30 minutes later he stopped coughing." - Dad from Melbourne, Australia HERE
"I'm delighted your son responded to our video demonstrating suggestion therapy. HERE is my presentation at the National Children's Hospital in Washington D.C." - Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
A "New Frontier in Medicine" - Acute, and Chronic Cough; Rapidly & Permanently Cured; In-office, Via-telemedicine, & just by Watching a YouTube Documentary!
Dr. Weinberger's Procedure in-office, by-proxy, or via telemedicine, is so easy and satisfying, that the diagnosed adult or child can "self cure" from even the most violent and relentless cough in mere minutes, with the assistance and consultation of their doctor,
Post COVID-19 and Long COVID cough cure update: Dr. Weinberger has received numerous unsolicited, verified reports of post, & long COVID-19 cough cure success utilizing his procedure. - Please report any post-viral, COVID-19 & Long COVID cough cures utilizing Dr. Weinberger's submission form HERE. Note: Please include any post-influenza cough, & cures too.
"The initial cause of the Habit Cough is commonly symptoms consistent with a viral respiratory infection. When the symptoms caused in children [and adults] were initiated from Covid-19, the subsequent Habit Cough did not appear to differ from that initiated by other common cold viruses." - Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
Diagnosis "The repetitive [daytime] barking cough that is not present once the patient is asleep is the diagnostic criteria." (Note: It might take a while for the patient to fall asleep. It matters whether the cough is not present once asleep; only to return once awake. - Editor)
The once forsaken patient simply utilizes in-office or telemedicine consultation where available. They watch the peer reviewed and published YouTube documentary video (below) and sips from a tall glass of water as instructed.
Most important - After the rapid cure, full recovery to "cough zero" can occur within days of practicing the recovery procedure as stated by Dr. Weinberger & noted HERE.
Not every cough is a habit cough. Consult with your doctors for a diagnosis, treatment and recovery plan. This research website does not provide any medical advice.
You've probably heard "treat," "suppress," & "... we'll keep an eye on your cough." You might have been prescribed and consumed an untold number of completely ineffective cough medications. Through this, and all the misdiagnoses, studies, tests and invasive procedures, you've been told alot of things, but more than likely never - ever - the word "cure" about your cough ~ until now.

Adult and child patients arrive here from around the world. We routinely hear the same thing about their cough. "... we are hopeless, helpless, forsaken, and beyond despair. We are lost!"
And then this happens (a lot) ...
After coughing for months, years, and yes, even decades; people write us, and exclaim ~ "... just gone!", "... cured!", "... wow, I couldn't believe what I was seeing!", "... shocking!", "... amazing!", "... poof!", "... off like a light switch!", "... had I not filmed it; even I wouldn't believe what I saw!", "... cured in seconds!" Watching Dr. Weinberger's cure occur in real-time is routinely called "highly satisfying".

Consult with YOUR doctor. This research website does NOT provide any medical advice. Doctor consultation / referral sheet. HERE
Note: Please make a video of your cure like we did for Bethany. Submit it to Dr. Weinberger via Google Drive or Dropbox, as many patients have done. HERE is Abby from NSW, Australia filming herself being cured in less than 15 minutes after 5 years of horror cough. It is really amazing.
Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, has requested that whether you are a doctor, parent or patient; please report the particulars of your diagnosis, rapid & permanent cure, and recovery to him. HERE It greatly assists him and his research team. It will allow innovation to help diagnose, cure and provide recovery to other cough patients from around the world. You may also use this form to thank him for your rapid and permanent cough cure.
Below is Dr. Weinberger's full length peer reviewed & published curative documentary.
Dr. Weinberger states that "Recovery" HERE is the most important part of his procedure.
Special note for children: Dr. Weinberger requests parents to review the documentary above without their child. Then, show it to their child in a quiet and undisturbed room when their cough is at its worst. Just "happen" to have two big glasses of room temperature water easily available for your child to sip on the tickle that precedes the cough; not to gulp or sip atop of the cough. Tell them, that this little girl has a cough just like theirs. Dr. Weinberger believes that the child will assimilate to Bethany (this assimilation works with adults too).
There are NO drugs associated with this rapid & permanent cure. The peer reviewed and published video documentary above IS the actual cure routinely replicated, and referred to by doctors at major medical centers for their worst, and most dire acute & chronic cough cases. (Yes, it is hard to imagine, but true. Watching the 'by-proxy" video documentary above or via telemedicine and following Dr. Weinberger's simple instructions has provided a rapid and permanent cure to children as young as 3 and adults with over 25 years of unexplained chronic cough in minutes ~ or sometimes even seconds.) Note: Always consult with your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendation for you and you particular medical concerns. To do otherwise would be unwise. No medical advice is given here.
It is available 7/24/365. It can be viewed in multiple languages.
The cure is available everywhere in the world ~ now! Dr. Weinberger has received verified reports of cures in children as young as 3, and adults with over 25 years of vicious, refractory, unexplained chronic cough. His telemedicine video has been peer reviewed and published. The original video is held in the permanent video library of the esteemed American Thoracic Society (ATS).
When complete, Dr. Weinberger requests that you read the "recovery" page HERE. He states emphatically, that recovery is THE most important part of his procedure. Dr. Weinberger asks that you tell your doctor about his procedure. Let them know that it has been "peer reviewed and published" numerous times since 1991. HERE
The powerful cough cure documentary above is the full-length version of the curative telemedicine session. It is the singular video utilized by the patients referred by esteemed medical doctors and renowned medical centers around the world. Their patients were rapidly and permanently cured in minutes just by watching it. No drugs are needed. There is never a fee or paywall of any kind on this website. Dr. Weinberger's Procedure by proxy is his gift to the world. This video will be the best 35 minutes of your day. Note: Your doctor might certainly charge you a fee or cost.

For your independent validation & verification (IV&V): All of Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD's rapid and permanent cough cure research on this website has been "peer reviewed and published" in the most esteemed medical journals since 1991, with independent validation & verification websites. HERE & HERE. There is absolutely no cost or fee associated with any part of his rapid & permanent cure here. It is his gift to the world. Your doctor or teledoctor might certainly charge a fee.
"The most unexpected, unintended & unprecedented discovery in medical history ~ not witnessed since the accidental discovery of penicillin! A paradigm shift in peer reviewed and published, curative medicine. Your free gift from Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, a 50 year pediatric pulmonologist & cough researcher, for all the children and adults around the world. Seldom, in our world today, do we see the word, "cure," with regard to a vicious and relentless illness, that has confounded, perplexed, and baffled doctors, scientists & researchers since the dawn of time." - Dennis Buettner, Editor
"We know this cure sounds quite intriguing. It was when our daughter was cured after 1/2 million coughs. The child in the video above is our sweet Bethany. Had we not filmed her rapid & permanent cure, even we would not believe what we saw. Now, once hopeless, helpless, forsaken children & adults in despair, and their doctors from esteemed medical centers around the world believe. They completely understand our amazement with this wonderful doctor of hope." - Dennis & Jen