top of page win! 20 Year old male - instantly cured and back to his BEST life.

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

-- Notice to physicians and researchers - All medical research on this website is peer reviewed and published with offsite links to  & esteemed medical journals  for your validation. --

From a long time Redditor who had a vicious dry horror cough that no doctor, hospital or medicine would stop. - "I can't believe it!!! I followed the video and it's working. This is unbelievable. I've been holding it for over 30 mins now and the urge to cough is slowly going away. I still have some urges to cough, but I'm taking slow breaths and drinking water. If this keeps going on for the next hour or so, this is probably going to be much easier.

I cannot say how much to say Thank you for sharing me this. I always thought it was an issue with my throat, but I never thought it was the brain. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" - J, North Carolina, USA

Below is a thread from I had with J from North Carolina.

J: What is the best way to stop a severe cough that's hard to stop? << His original post question. I knew nothing other than this and hoped Bethany's story in The Daily Beast might provide guidance. I truly did not expect such a terrific and instant result. Note: NAD means, "Not A Doctor", so J did not think I was giving any medical advice. I had no way of knowing that he indeed had Habit Cough. I did read that 40% of Chronic Cough is without medical explanation and certainly some people must have misdiagnosed or undiagnosed Habit Cough. I always tell people to trust their doctor, but certainly then can tell them about Dr. Weinberger's fine peer reviewed work, here at

Dennis: J, if you have the cough still, read this about my daughter. Cures adults with Habit Cough too. NAD LMK

J: Wow! What an awesome article, especially when it's your daughter that was cured from it. I'm interested in seeing if it will help me. I'll email you later in the afternoon.

Dennis: Dr. Weinberger cannot wait to hear from you. From 1694 - Habitual Cough is the cough that remains (or appears) after the cold that caused the cough is cured. I found this on Google book search. Amazing. Remember that you MUST practice it - watch the video multiple times if needed, and there is a recovery link on the site.

J: Thank you! I'll watch the video to see if it works for me, even if I have to watch it multiple times. I'll report back to you in a few days.

J: Sorry for asking, but where is the video. Is it somewhere in the site you sent me or somewhere else? Never mind. I found the video in the website you sent me earlier

Dennis: I adjusted the website to make it a lot easier. This (below) is THE video that Dr. Weinberger wants you to watch with your child. (or you as an adult like J)

This amazing reply came in the very next day.

J: I can't believe it!!! I followed the video and it's working. This is unbelievable. I've been holding it for over 30 mins now and the urge to cough is slowly going away.

I still have some urges to cough, but I'm taking slow breaths and drinking water.

If this keeps going on for the next hour or so, this is probably going to be much easier.

I cannot say how much to say Thank you for sharing me this.

I always thought it was an issue with my throat, but I never thought it was the brain.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Dennis: J, AWESOME! Now you must do this: [Recovery is the MOST important thing to know and do.]

And your cough will be gone. Big thing is the 12oz bottle with the cap off ALL THE TIME at the ready. Kapow! Dennis

I'd love to talk w/ you to get your backstory for Dr. Weinberger's research.

That you stopped for 30 minutes is "the cure" - according to Dr. Weinberger's opinion of Bethany's cough stopping for 15 minutes.

Now is the recovery with the info at this page I noted before. Fantastic.

How long did you cough? How old are you? Did you ever smoke pot or cigs or piddy or vape? What country/state/city (state is fine) << This is very important for Dr. Weinberger's research. Thanks in advance.

J: I'm 20 years old, I live at North Carolina, USA, and I never smoke anything.

I've started to cough consistently after getting a sore throat.

I've always had an issue coughing for over a month after any type of sickness goes away for the past few years.

For this one, it started a few days ago after my sore [throat] went away.

I probably coughed thousands of times an hour (I'm probably being sarcastic, but it was so many times, I lost count).

I was struggling trying to find a medicine to at least suppress it for a few hours during work and nothing worked.

After you sent me this link and watched the 30 minute video, all of a sudden, I was able to control my cough during the entire period.

It was at night time and that is when my cough is at the worst time. I was able to sleep without having to cough consistently all the time.

Note: Dr. Weinberger likes when you watch the video at your "yuckiest" time, (What Bethany called it.) so that you might see a definitive fewer amount of coughs. She had @ 350 coughs/hr. at 7PM and it went to ZERO for the next two hours. 200 total the next day and onward - with practice - to zero over the next 2 weeks. Adults sometimes get to zero quicker, but everyone seems different. Just keep a 12 oz. bottle of water WITH THE CAP OFF at the ready. She kept it in her hand all day and took a sip at the first sign of a tickle. (We were so proud of her determination. So proud of Dr. Weinberger!)

When I woke up, I didn't feel the urge to cough aggressively anymore. I cannot believe it worked for me!

As of right now, I'm still in the recovery process. I still cough, but probably less than 30 an hour, in which I feel so much better.

Thank you so much for letting me tell my experience doing this and let the Dr. Weinberger know about this.

Dennis: J, TEXTBOOK win!

Thanks for the info. I will take the thread and expand it and put it on the website.

You are correct. Recovery is crucial.

I am proud of you. I cannot wait to tell Dr. Weinberger.

He emailed me yesterday to tell me about a 3 year old boy who was cured by watching the video, but said he was still recovering and gets tired easily.


Below is from the recovery page on the website.

Dr. Weinberger stated that Bethany must ALWAYS have a 12 oz bottle of water WITH THE CAP OFF!! with her at ALL TIMES. (12 oz are easiest to hold and are not that heavy)

Tuck the bottle to your chest WITH THE CAP OFF and be at the ready to take a sip at a moment's notice - when you feel the tickle in your throat (or whatever is you anticipation of the cough).

He says DO NOT drink the water to stop the cough.

The water seemed to interrupt Bethany's cough Bethany used hers when she "felt a tickle".

Most of the next part is for children. Take what you need.

Important Note: In the onset days of recovery from her Habit Cough, Bethany began to get tired of stopping the cough. (Wait, what?) Yes, and we have heard from other parents that their child seemed "... tired of stopping their cough" in the immediate recovery period. Our Bethany was quite overwhelmed, but didn't know how to express it. All this and she had every other normal part of her life going on.

Wow, Just wow! Instant cure for Horror Cough just by reading an article and watching a video. Who would EVER think that something like this would happen on a replicable and repeatable basis. Again, and again and again. In children as young as 3 years old to retired firefighters 65 years old. Everywhere around the world. Thank you, Dr. Weinberger. - Dennis & Jennifer for Bethany



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