December 8, 2019 - Mom declares - "Polly's (5 year) cough is gone!" Hooray for Polly! Great mommying for mommy. What a man - Dr. Miles Weinberger - cured a hopeless, helpless and forsaken child - AGAIN!
Polly is back in school - back into her best life!
Bethany provides peer counseling to 10 year old Polly from Hoboken about how to recover from Habit Cough. We are so proud of Polly and Bethany for being so big.
** Dr. Weinberger reminds us that once the child is cured from their Habit Cough, it takes a couple days or even weeks for the cough to completely stop. He said the child's throat needs to recover. Polly, below is well into her recovery after 5 full years of vicious horror cough.**
Polly has had a horrible horror cough since she was 4 years old. She is now 10. She was instantly cured by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist in mere minutes. Now, Polly and Bethany talk about the recovery time to be completely cough free. (Dr. Weinberger told us that Bethany would take a couple weeks to recover completely. He was correct. It took about 2-3 weeks before all her coughs were gone.) Polly is on her way to being cough free. She only coughed 1 time in the 52 minute of their peer counseling.)
Peer reviewed published letter by Dr. Weinberger "Unexpected and unintended cure of habit cough by proxy - M. Weinberger":
Non-stop "horror cough" - Stopped in 10 minutes for children and adults using The Weinberger Procedure Therapy Session with Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD
Email me @ -- Dennis
Here's Dr. Weinberger's website:
Here's the fansite we made for Dr. Weinberger:
Some children can cough thousands of times per day for years and years - for no known reason or end in sight. Polly coughed for 5 years until she heard about Dr. Weinberger from her allergist.
All standard medicine - for Polly was completely ineffective .
There was NO end in sight for her Habit Cough.
Mom heard about Dr. Miles Weinberger from Polly’s allergist and everything changed.
After just minutes with Dr. Weinberger Procedure administered Dr. Weinberger, Polly’s coughing stopped! and her healing started.
Winning with Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD
All of the elements including the view-able winning session with Dr. Weinberger is available for free, here at
The videos, content and other media is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.
This is a fansite for our medical hero, Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD!
It is IMPERATIVE that you consult YOUR trusted medical heroes for diagnosis, treatment, guidance and direction. is only a fansite and is not associated with, or endorsed in any way with any person, company or organization mentioned on my fansite! - Thanks, Dennis & Jen