One year ago today, our brilliant and "miraculous" journey began with Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. - via a Skype call.
This website is for all of the instant cures of lost, hopeless, helpless, traumatized and forsaken children and adults around the world.
They are being cured from up to 15+ years of mystery horror cough IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, just by watching a YouTube video of Dr. Weinberger curing our sweet daughter, Bethany.
So many shocked and speechless parents and adults send their praise to Dr. Weinberger when ALL was lost.

This is Dr. Weinberger's response to my initial email that I had send to hundreds, if not thousands of doctors around the world in hope that we might find some - any relief for our sweet child who coughed 500,000 times.
No hospital, procedure, medicine or other doctor could help her. In one Skype call from Dr. Weinberger, sweet Bethany was literally cured from this vicious horror cough in less than 10 minutes.
I filmed the session just to show her grandparents, because I know they would never believe me unless I had a video. Last minute instant decision? Yes, now this video of Dr. Weinberger curing our daughter is revered by pediatricians and adult doctors around the world. Boom! Home run for Dr. Weinberger.
From: Weinberger, Miles
Feb 5, 2019, 6:30 PM
Here's another from 1966:
Berman BA.
Ann Allergy. 1966 Jan;24(1):43-6.
I can get you a copy of that 1966 publication [linked below] within the next day or two. This one is more relevant than the 1063 Bernstein publication because of more children and his description of treatment by suggestion.
I've also attached [linked below] a review article of mine on the differential diagnosis of chronic cough.
My first publication on the habit cough was in 1991, referenced in the more recent 2016 Habit Cough publication of 140 children.
All of Dr. Weinberger's brilliant "peer reviewed & published" documentation is linked above.