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Updated: Jul 28, 2021 该视频为您提供了同行评审和发表的研究成果,以供您与医生讨论时使用。这些信息都不是医疗建议-永远都是。 受尊敬的医生,肺病学,哮喘病和知名机构的医疗服务人员无数次地信任和提及。通常会利用其最可怕,最无法治愈的儿科,成人和老人患者,并将其转介给,以便在出现以下情况时永久治愈咳嗽其他所有失败。 这些专职的医生在这里例行转诊最难治的小儿,成人和老年患者,并伴有顽固性慢性咳嗽的无法治愈的病例。只需看上面的记录片,就可以从几天,几周,几个月,几年甚至几十年的咳嗽中即时诊断出患者并使其永久治愈。是的,请观看上面的纪实视频。难以置信,但这是事实。这是您听到的惊人故事。 急性和慢性咳嗽-习惯性咳嗽500,000咳嗽;在几分钟内就可以治愈。

Peer审阅了Weinberger博士发表的公开信“代理人意外和无意治愈习惯性咳嗽-M. Weinberger”: 因为上述信息目前都是英文。我尝试翻译了文献一当中的6步方法。供大家参考。 向患者自信的表现出你能够教他/她如何停止咳嗽。 向患者解释现在的咳嗽其实是个恶性循环。前一次的咳嗽对喉咙产生了一些刺激。而这种刺激将导致下一次咳嗽发生。 明确告诉患者:要想打破这个恶性循环就必须控制住第一次的咳嗽。治疗者仔细观察患者咳嗽前喉咙肌肉的运动。当观察到肌肉运动时,即时提醒患者控制住咳嗽,强调第一次咳嗽控制的时间越长,下一次控制咳嗽将更容易。这里常用到两个方法来帮助患者控制咳嗽:一是一口温水,二是深呼吸。告诉患者,在有咳嗽感觉的时候,可以和一小口温水或是深呼吸来帮助控制呼吸。 重复肯定患者的控制力。 当患者可以控制自己不咳嗽达到10分钟时。夸张的告诉他/她这个结果。强化自信心。肯定了咳嗽是可以被控制的这个事实。比如可以问:你感觉到自己可以控制咳嗽了,对不对? 当患者可以很自信的多次回答他/她有能力控制咳嗽时,可以停止该次治疗。



Special note: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; it typically refers to a properly diagnosed "habit cough". Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.

© 2024 by The Habit Cough Association™ - Stopped. rapidly cured & completely amazing!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment information or expectation of outcome ~ in any way, shape, manner, or form. Consult with your trusted medical personnel for potential diagnosis and treatment. Use the knowledge contained herein at your own free will, with no warranty or absolutely NO expectation of a positive, or any other type of outcome for any illness, comorbidity, or medical concern, and in acceptance of and agreement with our disclaimer/terms of service/terms and conditions. NOT every cough is a "habit cough".


Only make decisions based upon the advice of your trusted doctors. To do otherwise would be unwise.


The use of this website constitutes your agreement with our terms of service located HERE. Not responsible for offsite links. The use of this website does not create or constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Weinberger in any manner, fashion, or form.

This cough cure research website was conceived of, created, developed, edited, and is maintained by Mr. Dennis Buettner, Director of The Habit Cough Association™, from publicly available, peer reviewed & published manuscripts and information. It does not provide medical advice.  Use of this research website is in accordance and agreement with our terms. and service agreement.


Any and all opinions contained herein are the opinions of Dennis Buettner; who is NOT a doctor, and nobody else.


For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. 

Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression, or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you might want to consider consulting with your doctor, and medical team for any of your health concerns.  For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available, and government websites, publications, communications and other research elements and processes. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.

References on this website to any specific company, organization, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. Mentions of such entities or persons on this website is never to be considered an endorsement, recommendation or referral in any manner fashion or form.

If you have any concerns with this website: click HERE.

All opinions are my own.

Mr. Dennis E. Buettner

Research Director
Habit Cough Association™


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