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Just an Unintentional "Habit Disorder" of Coughing ~ Like Biting Your Nails - Rapidly & Permanently Cured! Simply by Watching a YouTube Video, and Learning How to Break Your "Habit of Coughing"

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Galen of Pergamon wrote: "... habit, viz.: that it is a permanent and durable affection, whether that be good or bad ..."

The Weinberger Procedure rapidly and permanently cures children, and adults from the unintentional habit disorder of acutely, or chronically coughing.

Utilizing The Weinberger Procedure to rapidly, and permanently cure child, and adult patients from their unintentional habit cough disease disorder has a success rate of approximately 95%.

Note: the cured patient remembers The Weinberger Procedure for future, unassociated habit cough disease occurrences. Also, one prominent pediatric pulmonology department lead MD noted an above 99.9% rapid, and permanent acute and chronic cough cure for his most vicious and violent unintentional "habit disorder" cough patients.

There is no pill to cure the unintentional habit disorder of cough disease. Never has been; never will be.

There is no FDA approved pill to treat; let alone cure these habits noted below. (Imagine that there will never be never be a pill that cures hair twirling, nail biting, or nose picking.) These are unintentional habits. These are all curable by learning how to "break your habit." Just like breaking your habit of coughing.

Below is a MOST incredible pronouncement by the world's most renowned cough disease cure researcher from a 40 year career at University of Iowa. It has caused the most massive paradigm shift in medicine since the accidental discovery of penicillin by Sir. Alexander Fleming. He can state this because he has been the ONLY medical doctor curing Refractory Unexplained Chronic Cough (RUCC_, and Upper Airway Cough Hypersensitivity (UACH) in children for the last 40 years; and NOW he cures adults.

Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. stated with great authority of over 40 years of curing acute and chronic cough disease, "The nomenclature, habit cough, fits the category of an unintentional habit disorder as defined by the American Psychological Association, i.e., repetitive unwanted behavior that is involuntary, causes distress and functional impairment, and has physical and social consequences. While tics, including verbal tics, are also considered unintentional habit disorders, a cough is distinct from the vocalization of a verbal tic."

An unintentional habit disorder is an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.

It seems like the unintentional habit disorder of cough disease occurs after cold, virus or "initial insult" to the lungs has been cured or gone. The habit cough is the "... cough disease that remains ...". Special note: Two adult patients recently reported they had inhaled a lung irritant. One was a spray body perfume; the other was DEET mosquito spray. It is by happenstance that the submissions for consultation to Dr. Weinberger both arrived within days of one another. Both suffered for months from their unintentional habitual disorder of "horror cough. disease" It was devastating to their lives. Both; independent to one another were cured in 10 minutes by following the simple instructions that Dr. Weinberger gave to Bethany in the habit cough disease cure documentary.

What makes these cures SO special is that their unintentional habit cough disease disorder was NOT caused by a virus, bacteria, or anxiety. There are SO many implications to these causes and cures. Just imagine all the other potential insults like, smoke, dust, vapors, and other potential reasons that the patient responds with a habit disorder of cough disease. Hmmm.

This little boy from Bangkok, Thailand was cured from his habit cough disease in mere minutes, and is now recovering ~ simply by watching a YouTube documentary.

He will remember The Weinberger Procedure (like riding a bike) to cure any future habit cough disease ~ for the rest of his life. Note: He was cured in the time between the first response email to the boy's mommy (where Dr. Weinberger asked that he watch the documentary) and their Skype call.

Bethany will call him in a week or so after he achieves "Cough ZERO." Bethany calling is such a treat for the patients around the world. Bethany is their first hero and they get to meet her. It is precious. Oh, and the parents are in disbelief and are so grateful for her.

An unintentional habitual disorder can:

  • be repetitive unwanted behavior

  • normally be involuntary

  • cause distress

  • include functional impairment

  • cause physical, and social consequences

Habit Cough Disease is an unintentional habit disorder per Dr. Weinberger after gathering a large amount of data to validate this premise. The most important part is that he gathered the information from patients who were rapidly and permanent cured from their habit of coughing. HERE.

These are some habits as defined by the American Psychological Association

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

  • Chronic hair pulling

  • Skin picking

  • Nose picking

  • Nail biting

  • Throat clearing (absent once asleep)

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)

  • Tics

  • Skin scratching

  • Habit cough disease (not yet included in the APA list of habits)

    ... and more.

Now the unintentional habitual disorder of cough can be included (and cured)

Click below to read this paper.

The content of this post is based on medical evidence. It is NOT to be considered medical advice. Consult with your doctors.



Special note: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; it typically refers to a properly diagnosed "habit cough". Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.

© 2024 by The Habit Cough Association™ - Stopped. rapidly cured & completely amazing!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment information or expectation of outcome ~ in any way, shape, manner, or form. Consult with your trusted medical personnel for potential diagnosis and treatment. Use the knowledge contained herein at your own free will, with no warranty or absolutely NO expectation of a positive, or any other type of outcome for any illness, comorbidity, or medical concern, and in acceptance of and agreement with our disclaimer/terms of service/terms and conditions. NOT every cough is a "habit cough".


Only make decisions based upon the advice of your trusted doctors. To do otherwise would be unwise.


The use of this website constitutes your agreement with our terms of service located HERE. Not responsible for offsite links. The use of this website does not create or constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Weinberger in any manner, fashion, or form.

This cough cure research website was conceived of, created, developed, edited, and is maintained by Mr. Dennis Buettner, Director of The Habit Cough Association™, from publicly available, peer reviewed & published manuscripts and information. It does not provide medical advice.  Use of this research website is in accordance and agreement with our terms. and service agreement.


Any and all opinions contained herein are the opinions of Dennis Buettner; who is NOT a doctor, and nobody else.


For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. 

Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression, or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you might want to consider consulting with your doctor, and medical team for any of your health concerns.  For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available, and government websites, publications, communications and other research elements and processes. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.

References on this website to any specific company, organization, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. Mentions of such entities or persons on this website is never to be considered an endorsement, recommendation or referral in any manner fashion or form.

If you have any concerns with this website: click HERE.

All opinions are my own.

Mr. Dennis E. Buettner

Research Director
Habit Cough Association™


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