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Recovery - Most Important Post - Per Dr. Weinberger's Special Request

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

As noted for recovery below: DO NOT USE ANY STRAWS OR SIPPY CUPS!! Only use small water bottles. A large part of the recovery is the patient being able to coordinate a small sip of water FROM AN OPENED BOTTLE upon the tickle which precedes the cough. (or if no tickle is present; take the small sip IN ANTICIPATION of the cough) Straws and sippy cups are NOT recommended at all. (More below.) This just in! We get unsolicited submissions like this ALL the time from the four corners of the world. It always hits home when they come in from rural, medically underserved, conflict and tribal areas. This is from a conflict area. It usually affects women the worst. They have to maintain presence for their child and home. The horror cough can be so violent. One MD from a conflict area recently stated that a mommy told him that it was different before the invasion. Now, the mommies say, "... don't cough or the bad men will find us." OMG

From Dr. M.: Dear Dr. Weinberger,
I am Dr. M, a pediatric pulmonologist from [a conflict area], and I wanted to thank you for your effective method for treating habitual cough.
I have been using your approach for some time now and greatly appreciate its impact, but I recently experienced a particularly remarkable success that I had to share with you.
A 10-year-old patient of mine had a relentless cough for nearly three weeks, even requiring hospitalization. After just one day of guidance based on your method, his cough stopped entirely, and by the next day, he was back at school. The immediate and dramatic outcome was extraordinary.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our field—they continue to make a significant difference for patients and practitioners alike.
Warm regards, Dr. M.
"Cured - like turning off a light switch." - Dr. Weinberger

The most important part of Dr. Weinberger's Procedure by-proxy, in-office or via-telemedicine (as note below) is constant "practice, practice, practice" to ensure that you achieve and maintain "Cough Zero". Note: Some patients achieve "Cough Zero" in days. Some takes weeks. Per Dr. Weinberger, this is to be expected. All patients who have recovered to "Cough Zero" note a consistent diminishing intensity in the cough with an increase in the time between coughs until "Cough Zero" has been attained. (It took Bethany over 25 days to achieve "Cough Zero") Some patients take 3-4 days.

Adult note: Adults have reported that they completely understand the procedure and the need for practice. The understand the premise more rapidly than young children. (Although the children get it quite rapidly, and with adult "minding" and encouragement, the children do a great job in recovery.)


Many patients note that they watch, and utilize Dr. Weinberger's YouTube documentary multiple times, on a routine basis, to ensure that they achieve their "Cough Zero" goals. Some medical professionals will provide, or refer you for recovery assistance if warranted. Ensure that you ask your personal doctor for assistance and guidance utilizing Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published work located HERE.

We have noted medical facilities and specific doctors who are familiar with The Weinberger Procedure on our "World Habit Cough Cure Map" HERE.

Update on "Tongues-worth" of water. Ryan's dad stated that he is completely recovered. He said that explaining to Ryan that a "Tongues-worth" of water was what really worked. He said that before this explanation, Ryan was taking big sips and choking on the water. After he understood how little water was needed on the tickle that preceded the cough, he began to keep his water bottle with him all the time. Great job, Ryan (SETHROLLINGS). In his comments to Bethany (Twilight) below, he said, "If she can do it, I can do it too."

Notes and parental outreach nuggets compiled by Dennis for Dr. Weinberger, MD. This is a living document based upon patient recovery procedures. Some information on this page will change or be updated. Consult with your doctors for any updates.

"I also continue to be fascinated and astonished. We've also learned a lot from the follow-up of the families regarding the recovery." - Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.

This was from our favorite cough cure patient; Gracie Terzian

Gracie was asked: How do you stop the urge to cough though? Its really hard to stop that urge,
Gracie responded: 100% focus and brute force. you have to cancel your plans for the whole day and just focus on suppressing the cough. it takes 100% of your brain attention. carry around room temperature water and sip when you feel the urge and then do everything you can to not cough. pretend you're hiding from someone who is trying to kill you and you don't want them to hear you. first see if you can go 2 minutes without coughing. then 5 minutes. then 10 minutes, etc. the longer you can go, the easier it becomes because your airway can begin to heal. it's extremely hard to do, but it is possible. Watch the Dr. Weinberger video I linked to in the description and let him "coach" you while he is coaching the little girl.


The question most asked is, "... how do I know that the habit cough cure worked, and I am ready for recovery to my 'cough zero'"?

Answer: Dr. Weinberger notes that the suggestion therapy is a success when: 1) There is an increase in time between coughs. 2) The intensity of the cough diminishes. When both of these occur, you will be ready to recover as noted below. Remember, Dr. Weinberger wants you to watch the YouTube documentary when your cough is at its daily worst. Many patients report this is in the evening, but your time might be different. When your cough is at its worst, it allows for you to detect the diminishment of the cough intensity and gap between the cough increasing.

Special note: One parent from London notes that he was able to detect a 3 second gap in between his daughter's cough. They both knew that if they could create a 3 sec0nd gap, they could increase it to 30 seconds and then to 3 minutes. When she achieved a 3 hour gap, they knew that they were on the way to her "cough zero", which arrived in mere days!


Dr. Weinberger's note to the parents of a 10 year old child who has just begun practicing his recovery procedure: "Remember, 15 minutes, then do something relaxing that they like to do. But they can do the 15 minute sessions as often as they want. They are working hard but I'm confident they'll succeed." Comment: Bethany was exhausted from coughing so much ALL day long. Dr. Weinberger has recognized this for his 40 years of curative research. He said that the patient will recover to "cough ZERO" in their own time. For Bethany, she was cured on February 9th. Her last cough was on March 15th for a total of 35 days. BUT, she went from 5,000+/day, immediately to about 500/day, then she seemed to stay at 100/day then rapidly from 50 to a hover of 20/per ~ then poof! All gone. Some patients report that they were cough free in much less time.

It's suggestion therapy that can stop the cough by empowering the child (or adult) with the ability to stop the cough.

I selected room temperature water because I didn't want something that would stimulate or distract from the suggestive patter.

Many doctors are so oriented to treating with something physical that they think the water was the treatment - it's not!

Look at Bethany in the video, she uses the water to help her, but she's intently listening to me and working to suppress her cough.

(Stated another way: "I usually recommend body temperature or room temperature water as an "alternative behavior" to coughing or excessive throat clearing. But combine that with a period of concentration to use your mind to control the urge to cough.")

If a doctor just tells someone to drink water when they have to cough, cessation of cough is much less likely." - Dr. Weinberger


Dr. Weinberger specifically requested that I collect and compile this living and growing chronic cough parental outreach recovery document for preschoolers (age 3) to senior citizens, (age 65+) who suffered from, and have been instantly cured from the horrors of Habit Cough. I am so glad he did!

Disclaimer: This website DOES NOT provide medical advice in any manner, fashion or form. Please consult with your doctor for appropriate and specific medical advice based upon your child's or your medical history and peer reviewed and published information. ALWAYS refer them to Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published work concerning diagnosis and treatment of Habit Cough HERE. NOTHING should supersede the relationship you have with your trusted doctors.

REMEMBER - during recovery, your child is (little tiny) sipping water atop the TICKLE that precedes the cough ~ not atop the cough!

They are NOT stopping the cough with water. No. No. No. They are sipping water atop the TICKLE that precedes the cough. Not atop of the cough itself. I repeat - they are NOT stopping the cough with water. They are sipping water atop the TICKLE that precedes the cough. Not atop of the cough itself.

Note: I only state and restate this because it is SO important to the recovery of you or your child. You or your child will certainly have variations, BUT you are sipping the water atop the tickle that precedes the cough.

Email me with any variations, questions or comments for Dr. Weinberger's continued research. HERE

Once Bethany coughed while sipping the water, and she then adjusted her sips of water to be atop the TICKLE. Once she figured this whole atop the "tickle thing", her suppression became better and better.

I REPEAT - you will want to take TINY sips of water PRECEDING the cough ~ when the "tickle", as Bethany calls it lets you know that a cough, or series of coughs is fast approaching.

The sips of water ATOP THE TICKLE seemed to be what interrupted Bethany's upcoming cough. A fine example is when she would take 4 sips of water atop the tickle; over a course of about 10 - 15 seconds. Dr. Weinberger states that each child is different in their technique.

NOTE: DO NOT take large sips of water. This amount of water can add up rapidly. Consult with your doctor for any limits on water intake for your child or for you as an adult.

TAKEAWAY - you are sipping water to suppress the TICKLE that precedes the cough. You are NOT stopping the cough with water.

Suppress the tickle to stop the cough. After you understand this, please continue - Dennis

Takeaway - "It seems like your child (as young as 3 years old), got the idea even from the 10 minutes he watched Bethany. It is quite common for the urge to cough to persist for a a few days after they learn to control it. The longer they control it, the easier it gets, and eventually the urge to cough (Bethany called it her tickle) gradually goes away. Your child has learned how to do it. That's great!  I recommend that your child should be the judge about going to school or activities. Your child learned how to control the cough and he can do it again if he needs to. Tell them that Dr. Weinberger is very proud of them for learning to control his cough and that Dr. Weinberger is certain that they can continue controlling his cough." - Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist and Chronic Cough Researcher

Once you or your child is DIAGNOSED & CURED from Habit Cough with The Weinberger Procedure, the next and most important part, as stated by Dr. Weinberger is RECOVERY.

This is a growing document based on my parental observations with our daughter and NOT medical advice in any way. I try to edit the notes and hope that each includes a complete thought. Let me know if I need to make any edits or updates. - Dennis

Recovery from Habit Cough is ALL about PRACTICE - PRACTICE - PRACTICE (It takes a lot for me to write in ALL CAPS - so understand how important PRACTICE will be in the recovery period.) DO NOT USE ANY STRAWS OR SIPPY CUPS!! A large part of the recovery is the patient being able to have a small sip of water FROM AN OPENED BOTTLE upon the tickle which precedes the cough. It takes way too much time and effort to coordinate sipping from a straw ~ especially for a child. So do not do this. Sipping from a small bottle already in your hand with the cap off is needed to have the sip occur on the tickle prior to the cough. Bethany kept the water bottle with her AT ALL TIMES with the cap off. At the first cough; she kept the bottle in her hand; resting on her chest. This kept it at the ready for the next tickle's sip and breathing technique and suppression.

Dr. Weinberger stated that Bethany must ALWAYS have a 12 oz bottle of water WITH THE CAP OFF!! with her at ALL TIMES. (12 oz are easiest to hold and are not that heavy. You may use a smaller bottle for a young child, but 12 oz would be the maximum for even adults.) Tuck the bottle to your chest WITH THE CAP OFF and be at the ready to take a tiny sip at a moment's notice - when you feel the tickle in your throat (or whatever is you anticipation of the cough). He says DO NOT drink the water to stop the cough. Take a sip when you feel the tickle. The water seemed to interrupt Bethany's cough. Bethany used her water sips when she "felt a tickle". Note: Some patients don't seem to need water as an assist.

Important Note: In the onset days of recovery from her Habit Cough, Bethany began to get tired of stopping the cough. (Wait, what?) Yes, and we have heard from other parents that their child seemed "... tired of stopping their cough" in the immediate recovery period. Our Bethany was quite overwhelmed, but didn't know how to express it. All this and she had every other normal part of her life going on.

Bethany reviewed her session with Dr. Weinberger multiple times over the next 4 or 5 days as a reminder of what to do. We correctly told her to "... watch your medicine!" She thought it was fun. She was SO proud of herself knowing that mommy and daddy thought she was such a big girl.

We did not push her during her recovery period. She was mentally and physically tired. (But she had great abdominal muscles. HERE) We only reminded her of what Dr. Weinberger wanted her to do. After a day or two she would say, "I know, I know, I know what Dr. Weinberger wants me to do."

We made it into a fun game and provided much praise. We actually made her WANT to show us how she stopped it - or tell us that she stopped it. Soon the gap between coughs increased by minutes, then hours, then days! Hip hip hooray! Thank you, Dr. Weinberger. We would still be hopeless, helpless and forsaken without you. You are relentless in mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Weinberger told us that she will know when it was time to go back to school. So proud.

Bethany and I have been getting a huge amount of amazing feedback from families, children and adults across the USA, and around the world from Canada, Australia, Nepal, England, Ireland, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Malaysia and more.

There are a couple common themes.

Special Habit Cough recovery notes: Dr. Weinberger made sure to tell me - twice - that even though Bethany was instantly cured in less than 10 minutes - she would still cough and need to manage her reduced "recovery coughing" to continue to make it go/stay away. Bethany completely understood and cruised through this part.

Note: She was 12 years old when Dr. Weinberger cured her from her Habit Cough. You will note in her video with Dr. Weinberger, we talked about Bethany "taking her medicine" afterwards. Just like when we are told to "take your medicine every 12 hours" and it's referring to a pill or some other prescribed medication, Bethany's "medicine" was her Weinberger Procedure "practice video".

When parents ask me about Bethany's recovery from her Habit Cough, I tell them the answer is just one word, "practice". After about 4 days (and maybe more or less for other children) Bethany said, "... daddy, I've got this!" Sure enough, she had her own process down to: 1. Water, 2. Deep breathe, & 3. Interrupt and halt the cough. Practice and repeat.

Now, she Skypes with children who have been cured to provide them with "peer counseling" during their recovery anywhere in the world. She reviews the proper way to perform The Weinberger Procedure in the absence of Dr. Weinberger.

Dr. Weinberger is so proud of her - as he is with all his children.

Young child note: Recently I heard from Eric, the father of a 3 year old boy named Teddy who was instantly cured of a vicious barking Habit Cough utilizing The Weinberger Procedure (3 years old!). It is an incredible story, and I will discuss it more soon. He stated that whereas Dr. Weinberger told me not to speak to Bethany or avert her gaze, he, as dad of a really young child, had another unique and effective perspective & method, that just happened with no preplanning.

Eric told me that to entice Teddy, while watching the "condensed" version of the curative video, he invented and played the "... when Bethany drinks water, you drink water" game with Teddy. Teddy's cough rate instantly decreased by 70%. This was similar to Bethany's decrease percentage, and Dr. Weinberger declared it a cure.

To assist Teddy in recovery, dad had son lie on his chest, while watching a movie, and almost knew when a cough was going to occur. Constant hugging pressure and little squeeze or jolt to alert Teddy seemed to decrease the frequency and mimic the peer reviewed and published bedsheet method - designed for young children. If daddy detects it first it gets Teddy in tune to the cough. Note: We will be creating and publishing a "bedsheet method" instructional video soon.

This just shows that there are so many variations on The Weinberger Procedure, all with terrific outcomes. (Note: I wanted to get this nugget up and will expand it later with a link here.)

Normally the parent and child are in the Skype call with Bethany and me. She loves children so much and has just begun to understand her impact in their recovery.

YOU may contact us at anytime from ANYWHERE. All we need to do is coordinate a time. We live near Annapolis/Washington, D.C..

HERE is what time it is now for your calculations. Bethany is normally good for her peer counseling calls from 6:00 - 9:00 PM (her time) most nights. Email us HERE and we will reply with Bethany's Skype name. She cannot wait to hear from you.

Interesting recovery update: We had just coordinated another Skype call with a child in their recovery from Habit Cough. At the last minute, mommy emailed me to say that their child was too tired to Skype. Bethany reminded me that she was completely and utterly exhausted from her coughing. We certainly understood and rescheduled - multiple times - and this was fine, and easily understood. Your takeaway from this should be that after potentially millions of coughs, your child is completely spent. We let Bethany recover and decrease her coughing to zero. BUT, we also let her body, mind and throat recover. It might take awhile. Trust me, they will know when to "relaunch" their life. You will be so proud of them. Dr. Weinberger FULLY agreed and wanted me to include this information on the recovery page.

Dr. Weinberger told us and the other parents that after so much coughing, the throat needs time to heal.

For us (as noted in Bethany's YouTube video HERE) her cough count went from 5,000/day to 200 or so the next day and soon down to 100 then 50 and after 20 it was gone.

With some gentle reminders and motivational support from parents and siblings, we declared Bethany "cough free" on March 15, 2019, (mommy's birthday gift). I hear ALL the time, "... I thought the coughs would go away immediately?" I reply, "...give them time to learn a new craft, like riding a bike". For us, this recovery period was a bonding time where our sweet child grew into a confident young lady. She knew that SHE was in charge of her body. She did it!

The one thing we hear from LITERALLY just about every parent or child is a parroting of Bethany's voiceover in the video - "... if I can do it; YOU can do it too!" It sounds like this, "Mommy, Bethany did it and I know I can do it too." (All the time!)

Numbered notes:

1. Most every parent has told me in writing and verbally that their child's horror cough experience followed a similar path as noted in Bethany's chart / diary HERE. The way I understand this and I explained it to Jen was this. The diagnosis and treatment process starts at the lowest point - simple cough. After a week or two, maybe there is the first or return trip to the doctor's office. Hmmmm. That medicine did not work. Maybe it is ______? Try this medicine.

More medicine is prescribed to combat whatever ______ is. Now, it takes a week or two before you can take your child back to the doctor due to lack of success and constant horror cough. At each return, the diagnosis and treatment plan goes up to the next level until you are left with the most treacherous diagnosis/drug treatment - with no success.

2. Most every parent reports that after their child watches Dr. Weinberger's therapy session with Bethany video, they say, "... if Bethany can do it; I can do it too!" This is very heartwarming and reassuring. As Dr. Weinberger told us, "... you can sit in on the therapy, but do not avert her gaze. This is something she will have to do on her own." Jen and I wanted to reach out to hold her or tell her what to do. Dr. Weinberger was right, she will be empowered to make her cure happen.

3. All the parents felt hopeless, helpless and forsaken. They each would "deep dive" the Internet until they cried themselves to sleep every night or just literally fell asleep with their hands on the keyboard (me) . Just when they felt they could not go on, they found a humble cough research doctor from Iowa - now living in San Diego. They could hardly imagine that The Weinberger Procedure would be the instant cure. They were all disconcerted by the months and years of misdiagnosis when the answer has been available since 1966. (me)

4. They were all, "shocked", "amazed", "gobsmacked" and more. They felt the cure was "astounding", "amazing" and even "miraculous". We still are and continue to be amazed whenever we hear of a new instant cure of a sweet child - or - adult from around the world.

5. Here is a thread about my AMAZEMENT at how children utilize Dr. Weinberger's session video with Bethany.

Backstory is that I made a generic version of The Weinberger Procedure (below) In the video of 15 year old, Abby from NSW, Australia being cured in 5 minutes from her 5 year horror cough. In here video HERE she is seen looking at the static photo below.

Note: I have witnessed that older children like Abby and adults will watch the static photo version below. I have heard that some adults like a medical student from Nepal seemed to watch the full version with Dr. Weinberger and Bethany. HERE

Below is the photo of Austin, age 10, watching the original session video of Dr. Weinberger with Bethany. I commented to Dr. Weinberger that I thought it was funny (accidental) that Austin was watching Bethany's video instead of the one with just the static photo of Dr. Weinberger. (above) Here's how our conversation went.

"Dr. Weinberger, here is the photo of Austin from Tennessee. He is watching the video of Bethany watching you in Skype. NOT the one of your face and the generic therapy session!! What? It worked in 10 minutes." - Dennis (I was shocked and though he would be too. But, I am a simple dad and he is the pediatrician. His brilliance has been proven again and again since Austin's cure.)

Dr. Weinberger's perspective for children: "... that is what I tell them to do, watch the full 35 minute video of Bethany listening to me. HERE

They hear me and relate to what's happening with Bethany while I talk with her.

Austin's not just watching the video, I presume he is also listening to to me talking to Bethany and following along. (He was.)

I'm concerned about too much attention [... from the parents in the room. We were told not to avert Bethany's gaze in any way. Make sure you have plenty of water on hand]. If the parent does this on their own, that's great. But I don't want the child to be self-conscious or even be aware initially. Remember, I'm telling the parent to be very casual about it, just telling the child that they've seen something on the web that they think their child might find interesting."

Validation from Texas: Dr. Weinberger diagnosed a 10 year old boy from Texas with Habit Cough. Mom and were about to start him on some very powerful medications and were not happy to do this. (All other diagnoses had failed.)

Dr. Weinberger told the parents to ask their son to watch the 35 minute video without any explanation or directions at all of what to do. They placed a glass of body temperature water next to him.

Special note: A pediatric pulmonologist colleague of Dr. Weinberger's from Ireland who has utilized The Weinberger Procedure on numerous child patients reports that they were successful utilizing ice water during the procedure and while in recovery. Dr. Weinberger stated that he is fine with the patient using room temperature or ice water and make any adjustments as appropriate.

Here is an extract from his email to me: "He understood that Bethany was able to control it, so he felt like if she could do it, he could do it. We couldn't believe the miracle we witnessed. He went from 600 coughs/hour to maybe 6 the rest of the night until he went to sleep. He said it was really hard, but he wanted to be like Bethany. As each day passed, it took less focus to suppress the coughs. Within 2 weeks he was cured." Team Weinberger for a major win!

My takeaway is that the child might be nervous about not doing it right. Dr. Weinberger says that as the child mimics Bethany - the instantaneous curing begins.

Here is an example of a 6 year old girl. This information was from her grandmother:

"Dr. Weinberger, I am the Grandmother of beautiful 6 year old twin girls. One of the girls started with a cold and ended up with a cough which lasted for weeks that ended in a constant clearing of her throat. She never complained but we 

knew she was miserable as it went on all day. It was truly uncomfortable at school as her teacher and classmates were well aware. The only time she seemed to rest was when she was sleeping.

My daughter was beside herself. She took her to a Pediatrician and Allergist trying whatever was recommended to cure her. Nothing worked. She then took her to a Pediatric Pulmonologist who said that she did not want to do any extensive tests UNTIL the family watched this You Tube. She insisted the parents watch your video first and then have the whole family watch together. I watched it in my home.

The Doctor recommended that the parents should watch it first and then have everyone watch it together.

Watching the young girl [Bethany] in the video, was like seeing the agony that my granddaughter was going through. She followed the You Tube video to a tee and immediately her cough and the clearing of her throat stopped. My Granddaughter had actually hid and covered her face until she realized that what Bethany was doing, she was too. She then watched, glued to the screen. She was allowed to have water with her at all times in her school.

On behalf of my Family, I can not thank Dr. Weinberger and Dennis enough for sharing what I claim is a MIRACLE. - Ecstatic grandmother."

Thanks Dr. Weinberger. You did it.

Here is an email that I sent to a Super Mommy. I know little of her child. I do know the desire of all children to please their parents and "swim to the shore" in this case - of no more coughing. This email is after her child's cure. Dr. Weinberger said that "... after the cure comes the recovery." Take your time. Your child is SO tired from coughing so much.


It does take a while. But he will see that he is doing good. Praise him all the time. Remind him about what Dr. Weinberger said. Make sure what he/she goes to school that is teachers know that he is allowed to have at least two bottles of water. In case the first one runs out. - VERY important. Seems like some children need less water (as Dr. Weinberger said) but you don't want your child to run out. We told Bethany that water was her "medicine". Funny, but she was worried about taking medicine [water] to school. You will see it happen dramatically. I believe it had to do with all of our encouragement. Bethany's 5,000 coughs per day instantly slowed to 200 - 300 the next morning. We had her watch Dr. Weinberger's video as a reminder and "practice" for the next few days. (During this time, Bethany talked about how her tummy and chest muscles were tight when she ran and played. We reminded her that she had done over 500,000 "situps" HERE) After a week or so, she no longer brought it up. We said to Bethany, "... remember what Dr. Weinberger said. Remember what Dr. Weinberger said. Control your cough honey. You're doing great. I am so proud of you. You are so big."

Note: We hear all the time that children say, "If Bethany can do it; I can do it too!" We are so proud that Bethany felt this way and vocalized it for the video. The thing that I remember is that Bethany was very tired. I did have a little news Post stating that she had done about 500,000 sit-ups. We equated each of her cough to a sit-up. Her doctor even said she had great abdomen muscles. The exhaustion that your child has is quite real. I say they know a lot as a child but they don't know about recovery. Don't push them. They will know when it's time to go back to school. You may want to start with a half a day after having him sleep-in, if that's possible in your school district. They will be tired. Bethany was tired and exhausted for a week after the cure and into her recovery. Dr. Weinberger recognized this in her also. Remember they don't realize that this happened to them. As a child they think they might be doing something wrong, when you know of course they are not. Much like your child, Bethany wanted to please Mommy and Daddy. We had to let her know all the time that she was doing great and that she is a good girl. My thought would be ease them back into school. At least this is what we did with Bethany. Dr. Weinberger agreed. By this time, Bethany had an in-home school teacher who would come twice a week to teach her for 4 hours. This was very good for her. We have a good school district. Comfort them with any anxiety at least, that's what we did with Bethany when she went back to school. She returned a "conquering hero". I communicated a lot with her teachers, and let them know what was going on. Refer them to so they might learn. Special note, please feel free to coordinate a time to Skype with Bethany and your son/daughter. Her encouragement has done wonders with other children just letting them know that there's a real person who went through it like they did. Dr. Weinberger actually asked her to do this. It was a wonderful recommendation. You are doing an excellent job as a mommy.

Only from my observations and with the different parents communicating with me after they've spoken with Dr. Weinberger, I have found with all due regard to the Daddy's, the mommies have been doing most of the deep-diving on the internet. It warms my heart to know that you have such deep devotion and love for your sweet child. Shout out to the awesome dads also. No doubt.

The big takeaway for you will be that your child will trust you more and more and they will always know that you are doing the best from them.

It was physically very tiring and emotionally draining for Jennifer and me. We had to hide it from Bethany to make sure she did not feel any sadness due to us being upset.

We were sad and forsaken. Some parents suffer with their child's horror cough for 5+ years. Our experience with Bethany's Horror Cough was @ 100 days and we were COMPLETELY spent. Jen and I are just saying that we cannot even imagine what Kim Cutler dealt with during Abby's 5 year horror cough. HERE But in mere moments after Bethany slowed down her coughing so dramatically we felt rescued. Bethany was cured just like your child. Dr. Weinberger made a point of having me update this recovery page to ensure that mommies and daddies know that even though they are cured, the child must recover. This is quite normal and EXPECTED with The Weinberger Procedure. Remember I'm not a doctor, just a dad who has witnessed this from numerous mommies and daddies and children. But I believe Dr. Weinberger would agree the Sebastian is on his way back to perfect health. Again only an observation based on my child. Peace and good health - because nothing else matters! Bethenny and Dennis, and Jennifer

This is Dr. Weinberger's response to the mommy FOR THIS SPECIFIC CASE ONLY.

"It seems like your child got the idea even from the 10 minutes he watched Bethany.

It is quite common for the urge to cough to persist for a a few days (or even weeks) after they learn to control it.

The longer they control it, the easier it gets, and eventually the urge to cough (Bethany called it her tickle) gradually goes away.

Your child has learned how to do it. That's great! 

I recommend that your child should be the judge about going to school or activities.

They learned how to control their cough and they can do it again if they need to.

Tell them that Dr. Weinberger is very proud of them for learning to control their cough and that Dr. Weinberger is certain that they can continue controlling their cough and eventually the feeling he has to cough will go away from their work to control it.

Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you consult with your doctor and medical team for any of your health concerns. For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available websites. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.


1 Comment

Feb 29, 2020

Our 16yo son had two asthma flares back to back which spiraled into a nightmare of coughing. He was coughing a minimum of 3X per minutes, sometimes every 6 seconds. After almost 30 days, several calls with and trips to the dr, X-ray, CT, every medicine they could try, they finally diagnosed it as a “habit cough” and the prescription was a YouTube video. By that night the cough had a drastic reduction and three days later is almost completely gone. So much relief for all of us. Thankful for the habit cough cure!


Special note: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; it typically refers to a properly diagnosed "habit cough". Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.

© 2024 by The Habit Cough Association™ - Stopped. rapidly cured & completely amazing!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment information or expectation of outcome ~ in any way, shape, manner, or form. Consult with your trusted medical personnel for potential diagnosis and treatment. Use the knowledge contained herein at your own free will, with no warranty or absolutely NO expectation of a positive, or any other type of outcome for any illness, comorbidity, or medical concern, and in acceptance of and agreement with our disclaimer/terms of service/terms and conditions. NOT every cough is a "habit cough".


Only make decisions based upon the advice of your trusted doctors. To do otherwise would be unwise.


The use of this website constitutes your agreement with our terms of service located HERE. Not responsible for offsite links. The use of this website does not create or constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Weinberger in any manner, fashion, or form.

This cough cure research website was conceived of, created, developed, edited, and is maintained by Mr. Dennis Buettner, Director of The Habit Cough Association™, from publicly available, peer reviewed & published manuscripts and information. It does not provide medical advice.  Use of this research website is in accordance and agreement with our terms. and service agreement.


Any and all opinions contained herein are the opinions of Dennis Buettner; who is NOT a doctor, and nobody else.


For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. 

Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression, or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you might want to consider consulting with your doctor, and medical team for any of your health concerns.  For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available, and government websites, publications, communications and other research elements and processes. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.

References on this website to any specific company, organization, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. Mentions of such entities or persons on this website is never to be considered an endorsement, recommendation or referral in any manner fashion or form.

If you have any concerns with this website: click HERE.

All opinions are my own.

Mr. Dennis E. Buettner

Research Director
Habit Cough Association™


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