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Cured! "... her incessant cough stopped within seconds."

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Dr. Weinberger receives the most delightful and astonishing, unsolicited emails like the one below on a routine basis. Ever since he published his cure "by-proxy" documentary video on YouTube, renowned colleagues from around the world brighten his days with terrific, instant & permanent cures to the most vicious chronic coughs in children and adults.

Remember - there is a BIG difference between "treat", "suppress" and an actual "cure". Basically, they are completely different. One (cure), you want. The other, (suppression) you will accept when there is no cure. Cure means "cessation". Cessation means - no more cough. No more medicine. Ready for recovery, because, in this case, the mystery, "horror cough" is now cured - gone! The doctors who contact Dr. Weinberger say that they tell their patients to stop all medication and watch The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy documentary video on YouTube. They, and their parents/children and adult patients are truly amazed at how rapidly they were cured. Now, they are onward to full recovery to what is known as, "Cough ZERO".

From a renowned pediatric pulmonologist in Ireland

Dear Dr. Weinberger, Just want to say that I have referred 3 patients thus far to the website which is very helpful.

[Total of 5 patients referred and cured from their mystery horror coughs in just 1 year.}

I stopped all medications, much to the surprise of parents, to come back thanking me .

Many thanks for a very helpful website. - Professor B.E., Ph.D CCST FRCPCH FRCPI DCH

Consultant in Respiratory & General Paediatric Medicine, Ireland

Their patients were completely and permanently cured just by watching a peer reviewed and published documentary video as referenced HERE in Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published manuscript. (When any new incident of cough occurs months later, the patients were able to cure it by utilizing their memory and knowledge of The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy.)

This knowledge prompted Dr. Weinberger to update his diagnosis to include "acute" cough in his curative method. He states: " .... Once the patient meets the diagnostic criteria for [daytime only] Habit Cough, even while the repetitive cough is still considered acute [4 weeks/ child & 8 weeks/adult], treatment with suggestion therapy [The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy HERE] is appropriate." I understood his concern. I told him that Dr. Weinberger has been instantly and permanently "curing" chronic cough in children - diagnosed as "habit cough" since 1991 and adults since 2019.

I also informed him the Dr. Weinberger's recent peer reviewed and published paper located HERE is validation and verification that his cure works simply by watching a YouTube documentary video. More on the cure!

Gentle reminder: There has NEVER been a drug-free, instant and permanent cough cure by-proxy, via-telemedicine and in-office, in the history of humankind. There are currently no approved therapies for the treatment of Refractory Chronic Cough (RCC) or Unexplained Chronic Cough (UCC) or for acute cough, anywhere in the world (ever ~ until now)!

Until Dr. Weinberger's procedure, there has ONLY been "suppressive" and "antitussive" treatments - but never a cure for cough ~ even at the most prestigious medical centers of the world. This is amazing, since cough is the #1 reason for doctor visits. (I repeat this fact later, because it is so amazing as a parent & patient.) Honey and sugar is the same recipe that has been utilized since medieval times.

The extract below is from an unsolicited email that Dr. Weinberger received. The esteemed sender is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at a renowned pediatric medical school. This means that this doctor/professor teaches the pediatricians of the future. Part of their job is to be up to date with the most innovative diagnosis and cures for common and uncommon illnesses.

With cough being the number 1 reason that people go to the doctor, it is awesome that he is such a big fan of The Weinberger Procedure.

The professor stated: "You probably get many such emails, but I just wanted to take the time and personally thank you for all the work and manuscripts regarding habit cough (and other functional respiratory disorders) that you've published over the years.

I first heard of this entity when I was a fellow, but the impression I was given was that this is a very rare problem, and no one seemed quite sure how to handle it."

He continued: "Your publications were a real turning point for me, providing a clear and easy to follow step by step process of the diagnosis and treatment.

Over the years since then I've applied your methods many times with near universal success. I can't tell you how many patients you've helped.

Over the years I've also routinely advised my fellows to read your papers."

(From Dennis: This medical school Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics included one of the most shocking revelations that Dr. Weinberger has EVER received.

When I read it, my day was done. There was nothing more that I could contribute to the world for the next 24 hours.

As I type this, I cannot stop shaking my head. Since I found Dr. Weinberger, I spend a LOT of my days shaking my head. Read this and be amazed!)

The doctor then announced with shock: "I thought I'd share one amusing recent anecdote.

I had a telehealth visit with a girl and her mother. Their computer speakers were broken so the mother wore headphones. While I obtained the history I could hear the girl repeatedly cough in the background. When that was completed I had the mother pass the headphones to the child, and using your techniques (and inspired by the video you previously shared of you treating a patient by telehealth) her incessant cough stopped within seconds. This experience was also unique to me because the mother wasn't able to hear what I was saying to her daughter - so it magnified her surprise, and her jaw dropped.

So thanks again for everything. With warm regards, Dr. N."

All I can say is, "wow!"

While pharmaceutical companies are busy trying to "suppress" and "treat" "unexplained chronic cough", Dr. Weinberger has created a drug-free, instant and permanent cure for chronic cough! Bravo to Dr. Weinberger.

Oh, by the way, he has updated his diagnosis to include "acute" cough cure. HERE



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