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Cough or tic. Point counterpoint peer reviewed and published.

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

-- Notice to physicians and researchers - All medical research on this website is peer reviewed and published with offsite links to  & esteemed medical journals  for your validation. --

"If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail." - Mark Twain

Extract: After Bethany's drug free, instant cure from the horrors of Habit Cough, months had passed with no coughs. I wrote a renowned doctor to inform them that Dr. Weinberger had instant cured Bethany and his video is now curing children and adults around the world. I referred to her complete and full cure 3 times. I also linked 5 times to this website. Knowing all of this, the doctor responded:

"Actually it’s a form of Tourette’s syndrome / tic disorder and responds to appropriate therapy." - Renowned medical doctor. Yuck.

Seriously - if you have a hammer; everything is indeed a nail. Except that there was NO way that we would ever consider tic medication for a cough - let alone a cough that had been cured for months.

Cough or tic? Point counterpoint.

I believe if your doctor always prescribes medicine - this what they will do. If your doctor uses the power of the mind, this is what they will do. Dr. Weinberger commonly prescribes medicine for his patients when needed. His Weinberger Procedure instantly cures children and adults suffering from diagnosed Habit Cough without medicine - using only the autosuggestion power of the mind.

Interesting Dennis notes and observations: The Weinberger Procedure is COMPLETELY absent of any use of drugs. As you have seen on this website, our videos, map and other media, The Weinberger Procedure works brilliantly without drugs.

I also observe, that there is absolutely no published series of children with chronic cough cured by neurologists or their medications approved for seizures, not FDA approved for chronic cough - moreover, they have considerable side effects.

On the other hand, from Dr. Berman's peer reviewed and published paper HERE in 1966 and the series of 140 children at the University of Iowa in Dr. Weinberger's research and published documentation, there is extensive experience over 50 years of diagnosing and treating habit cough by suggestion - now known as, "The Weinberger Procedure". Instant cure, Live - Skype or "by proxy" watching a YouTube video.

Our daughter had a non-stop chronic horror cough. Your child might have a tic. A cough is not a tic and is quite different from the verbal tics of Tourette's. Cough was not described by Tourette as part of the syndrome named after him. I've known someone with Tourette's and the vocal tic are sounds or words, not coughs.

Moreover, one of the Habit Coughers who reached out to me for parental advice has some characteristics of mild Tourette's as does his father, but the father didn't recognize the cough as part of Tourette's, and the cough readily stopped with suggestion therapy. Tourette's may have been present in 1 of the 4 patients in this report, but the one reported as coughing at night warranted having further evaluation.

I've heard from parents who reached out to me about their child with a cough that sounded much like habit cough, but they had cough that awakened them at night. Dr. Weinberger said about Bethany, "... her cough, not present while she slept is a sine qua non for Habit Cough." As I've seen with Bethany, some physicians evaluation and treatment of chronic cough is still somewhat in the dark ages. (Hopefully they will become more informed by the astonishing number of instant cures with The Weinberger Procedure noted on this website and Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published documentation HERE)

One mommy recently reached out to me that she took her son to to a big city hospital and got brushed off as a habit cough by a pediatric pulmonologist there. His history was repeated prolonged coughing after minor viral respiratory illnesses associated with repeated awakening from cough at night. Compared to Bethany, who did not awaken it surely did not sound like what our daughter had. Seems like an easy diagnosis for doctors​. As Dr. Weinberger says to the world, "The repetitive barking cough that is not present once the child is asleep is the ​diagnostic criteria."

Here is another peer reviewed and published paper by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. This one is in Chest Journal. Chest is a "peer-reviewed medical journal covering chest diseases and related issues, including pulmonology, cardiology, thoracic surgery, transplantation, breathing, airway diseases, and emergency medicine. The journal was established in 1935." (This is where medical doctors get medical news of the future - today.)

The subject of his point/counter point is cough versus tic. (Spoiler: cough wins bigly!)

He "debates" whether the medical term "Habit Cough" is correct for acute or chronic cough that is not present while asleep.

Dr. Pringsheim, MD, believes the term "tic" is more appropriate than "cough". (I hope this is a correct interpretation. I will adjust if requested.)

Jennifer, I and all of our doctors referred to Bethany's cough as a cough. When we talked to people about Bethany's "horror cough" they used the word "cough". Nobody, absolutely nobody called her cough a "tic".

This is only my opinion in the case of our daughter (and Dr. Weinberger's too.) I like the team I am on with him. I think I will stay on "Team Habit Cough". I like hanging out with winners.

Click HERE to view the entire peer reviewed and published paper.

The next step in the diagnosis chain for Bethany was that "... she might have a variation of Tourette Syndrome" that would be best treated with a drug similar to Topamax.

After Bethany's drug free, instant cure from the horrors of Habit Cough, months had passed with no coughs. I wrote a renowned doctor to inform them that Dr. Weinberger had instant cured Bethany and his video is now curing children and adults around the world. I referred to her complete and full cure 3 times. I also linked 5 times to this website. Knowing all of this, the doctor responded:

"Actually it’s a form of Tourette’s syndrome / tic disorder and responds to appropriate therapy." - Renowned medical doctor. Yuck.

Seriously - if you have a hammer; everything is a nail. Except that there was NO way that I would ever consider tic medication for a cough - let alone a cough that had been cured for months.

We were completely and fully justified in negating this option. When I read about these drugs, they would always mention a "tic". Bethany did NOT have a "tic". Rightly, when Dr. Weinberger heard Bethany's cough, and with a lot of questions and discussion, his PERFECT diagnosis was Habit Cough.

When Dr. Weinberger told us that he could cure Bethany in minutes, I literally began calculating the cost of airfare for Bethany and I to San Diego from the Baltimore airport. ($1,400.00 on short notice.)

When he said no flight was necessary and told us that he would cure Bethany via a Skype call, we were obviously skeptical. Our only thought was "... what time right now can you do it?"

Now children and adults merely watch the video anywhere in the world and are cured "what time right now!".

Already, QVAR did not work and we were running out of drug and procedure options. Her cough did not care. It ploughed right through literally EVERYTHING without any type of "sweet spot" of relief.

Our only other option was Tourette Syndrome drugs for a tic that she did not have. No!

This entire effort is our family's fansite for the fine decades long work that Dr. Weinberger has brilliantly documented and gives freely gives to the hopeless, helpless and forsaken Habit Cough sufferers in the world.

As a parent - at every option point - we will do anything to not drug our child or ourselves. This is our belief.

If you are fortunate to make it here to witness the work of Dr. Weinberger and he tells you that The Weinberger Procedure can help. The results are astounding.

Just today I received another email update from a parent around the world who said they broke down and cried tears of joy just remembering how their sweet child was cured from a vicious and horrific non-stop cough before their very eyes. They were just DAYS away from dedicating their sweet child's life to a mind altering pill for chronic cough that is not established in the medical literature and is not an indication in the FDA approved package insert.

Like Bethany's doctors, they did not know how easy and immediate Dr. Weinberger's cure is.

Note: It does take differing times for The Weinberger Procedure to work. (Dr. Weinberger ensured that we were aware of this so that we did not have unreasonable expectations.)

At least in our daughter, her 5,000 coughs per day immediately went down to 200 (astounding and astonishing), then to 100, then to an almost forgotten number.

It was only after mommy asked me if I heard Bethany cough on her birthday (March 15) that I realized she had not coughed for 3 days. It was then, on mommy's birthday that we declared Bethany, "cough free". Wow! And to think that we saw it stop and filmed it. We are still astounded to this day. We hear the same from former Habit Cough sufferers and their parents. (This was 3+ weeks for Bethany's complete cure.)

Her Habit Cough came back 2 months later and - poof! - she made it go away when we reminded her that Dr. Weinberger says, "... you know what to do!"

If we did not find Dr. Weinberger, I fully and completely believe that Bethany would still be coughing today. Just ask Abby from NSW, Australia or Polly from Hoboken, NJ. (Both sweet young children had Habit Cough for 5+ years and after ALL the drugs and misdiagnosis, were cured in mere MINUTES with The Weinberger Procedure.)

The world thanks you, Dr. Weinberger.

Oh, and it has been called "Habitual Cough" [Habit Cough] since at lease 1694 HERE

Our daughter's cough was not a tic! - Dennis

Notes from Dr. Weinberger

I was looking at some other emails from parents. A most recent one was an 11 year old boy who had been coughing for almost 2 months.

The mother contacted me in mid-October with a problem virtually identical to XXXX. Mother described that he improved substantially from watching the Bethany video.

Her latest comment in response to my query regarding her son's status reads as follows:

" XXXX has been doing well, his cough is almost gone! I have noticed that if he is a bit anxious he will cough, but just a few coughs here and there. when he does cough, he catches himself and breathes through it.

Another thing that triggers it, but rarely is if he hears someone coughing, it's like he remembers that habit cough and gets the urge. However, as I mentioned before, it is almost non-existent and it isn't until he does cough that I remember he had it."

I'm sharing this with you to provide you with some information about the persistence of some symptoms even though the improvement is substantial.

Bethany also had residual symptoms for quite a while, Dennis and Bethany can tell you more about that.

I'm learning from these emails that while there may be instant improvement from Suggestion Therapy, there is no instant cure.

There appears to be a slow healing process once the child has learned some initial control from Suggestion Therapy.

You can share this information with XXXX so that he understands that it's a slow process for complete healing, so he doesn't feel discouraged when there's breakthroughs in the cough.

I'm convinced he'll continue what he's learned from the Suggestion Therapy and will continue to slowly improve. - Dr. Weinberger

Update from Dr. Weinberger

Studies of Habit Cough including the published debate between me and a pediatric neurologist.

There is absolutely no published series of children with chronic cough cured by neurologists or their medications approved for seizures, not FDA approved for chronic cough - moreover, they have considerable side effects.

On the other hand, from Dr. Berman in 1966 and the series of 140 children at the University of Iowa, there is extensive experience over 50 years of diagnosing and treating habit cough by suggestion. (links to documentation above) - Dr. Weinberger

Disclaimer: As always, these are just my parental observations and interactions between our doctors concerning Bethany. I do my best to link to proper peer reviewed documentation whenever appropriate. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this website. Some parents send their observations. I do my best to document them with accuracy. If they seek medical advice, I inform them that I am not a doctor and they might want to consider contacting Dr. Weinberger. He wants to know.,, & Dennis Buettner do not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Reliance on any information appearing on this website is solely at your own risk.

If you believe something noted on this website comes across as medical advice - it's not. It's just be poorly worded and/or presented information. Let me know your concern and I will remedy it immediately. I will get your email here in mere minutes.



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