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The Habit Cough Association™

Updated: Sep 25, 2021

Cures of the Cough without a Cause

The global goal of The Habit Cough Association™ is to bring Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD's instant and permanent chronic cough; "diagnosed as habit cough" cure by-proxy," to children, adults, doctors and medical centers everywhere in the world, in their own language.

1. The #1 reason for doctor visits is a cough.

2. There has never been a peer reviewed and published, instant, permanent & drug-free cure for acute or chronic cough,diagnosed as "habit cough", by-proxy in the history of humankind; until now. Think of it; have you EVER heard the word "CURE" about your cough? You might have heard, "... treat", "... suppress", "... we'll keep an eye on it," - but NEVER the word CURE! (Until now!)

3. Amazingly, for the number 1 reason people go to the doctor, the only type of "suppression" or "treatment" (not a cure) recommended by the CDC & NIH is honey and sugar based cough drops.

***** This very IMPORTANT information is from US Pharmacist. It is THE most important peer reviewed and published information from their website. *****

As quoted below, there is zero "scientific evidence" for any cough therapy. "Historical practice" is is NOT scientific evidence. A more in-depth discussion concerning this lack of scientific evidence is located in Dr. Weinberger's "big story" located HERE.

For your independent validation & verification (IV&V): All of Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD's instant and permanent habit cough cure research on this website is based upon scientific evidence, and has been "peer reviewed and published" in the most esteemed medical journals since 1991, referenced on independent validation & verification websites. HERE & HERE.

“Unfortunately, the majority of [acute cough] therapies available are currently recommended based on historical practice rather than on scientific evidence.” — Emily M. Ambizas, PharmD, MPH, BCGP

Note: There is absolutely NO mention of or reference to a permanent "cure" of any kind in this peer reviewed and published research.

Takeaway = ALL pharmacists - everywhere in the world - are well aware (or they should be) that there is absolutely NO cough therapy; let alone a cure based on peer reviewed and published research ~ anywhere in the world!

They also know that there is NO effective cough medicine in existence - anywhere; at ANY price.

The ONLY cough treatment recommendation from NIH and CDC is honey & sugar cough drops.

US Pharmacist states emphatically that there is NO "scientific evidence" of any acute cough therapies. Unfortunately, they only can rely on "historical practice" - because; until now, there has NEVER been a cure for chronic habit cough.

The instant & permanent cure is here with the first and only peer reviewed and published cure-by proxy by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.

Consult with; and ONLY utilize the recommendations of your medical team.

Dr. Weinberger would like US Pharmacist and its PharmD members to learn about his procedure, and, as frontline medical personnel, tell their patient/client/customers about The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy.


Just peer reviewed and published: Addressing the Unmet Needs of Patients With Chronic Cough from The American Journal of Managed Care (HERE)

Millions of people in the US and around the world suffer needlessly from repetitive, medically unexplained, chronic cough. Editor's note: There is no mention of cure anywhere in this peer reviewed and published manuscript.

“Cough is one of the most common reasons for visits to a medical provider in the United States. In 2012, chronic cough accounted for approximately 10% to 38% of visits to US respiratory outpatient practices. Cough may be a symptom of a treatable underlying condition; however, in 5% to 10% of patients with chronic cough, there is no identifiable cause. Patients with chronic cough have considerable health care resource utilization and poor quality of life. As of October 2020, no agents have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic cough. However, several agents are in various stages of development, and preliminary phase 3 results for 1 of these agents are available."

-The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) (Editor note: None of "these agents" provides an instant and permanent cure for chronic cough.)


Honey for acute cough in children? Really? Read on and you decide if honey is an accurate portrayal of an effective cough suppressant.

According to Paediatrics & Child Health and US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health - “Honey may be better than ‘no treatment’, diphenhydramine and placebo for the symptomatic relief of cough, but it is not better than dextromethorphan. None of the included studies assessed the effect of honey on ‘cough duration’ because intervention and follow-up were for one night only. There is no strong evidence supporting or against the use of honey.

"Expert commentary" extracted from: Honey for acute cough in children (above)

"Honey may have potential benefits, although based on this review, these are likely small." - Editor note: This seems to mean that there is no medical benefit. The word "may" is highly exclusionary. If there was a benefit, this is where they would have proudly displayed it. This is a similar result as noted in US Pharmacist noted above.

"Nonetheless, parents appear to want to give their children ‘something’. As opposed to antibiotics and cough and cold medications, honey actually is a fairly reasonable option as long as the child is older than one year of age (due to the risk of botulism in infants). This review demonstrates that honey can safely be used in children older than one year of age. It has few side effects, with only mild reactions reported that were not statistically significant, mostly gastrointestinal symptoms, insomnia and hyperactivity. Honey may have potential benefits, although based on this review, these are likely small. It is ‘natural’ and it tastes good. I will admit that I have recommended it to families as a potential therapy. The doses used in studies appear to be in the range of one-half to two teaspoons at bedtime; however, the optimal dose is not known."


The global goal of The Habit Cough Association™ is to bring Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD's instant and permanent chronic cough; "diagnosed as habit cough" cure by-proxy," to children, adults, doctors and medical centers everywhere in the world, in their own language.


The Habit Cough Association will strive to educate patients, doctors and healthcare workers in rural and medically underserved areas in villages, towns, cities, states, and countries around the globe.

1. Habit Cough (HC) first noted as "Habitual Cough"* (1694) - Completely drug free. Instant cough in-office cure 1966 & "by proxy" cure 2019. No cost or fee. Drug-free cure of "acute" and "chronic" Habit Cough 2020. Easily replicable for ages 3 - 60+ years old, and instantly cured in English, Spanish and Arabic, Mandarin, Macedonian & Turkish (translators needed HERE).

No in-office visit needed. This is what makes The Weinberger Procedure cure "by proxy" so revered by medical doctors around the world. "... a fascinating and quite intelligible compilation of clinical wisdom that should be broadly shared with those that treat children."

The term "Chronic Cough" was first noted in medical literature over 40 years later. (Same Google search criteria was utilized.)

2. Chronic Cough (CC)* (1737) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

There has never, in the history of humankind, been a "peer reviewed and published", instant & permanent, no-cost, cure "by-proxy", for cough. A permanent cure is available now - in your home or office; any and everywhere in the world. You may ask your doctor to confirm this.

Today, and as far back as medieval times, the only recommendation to "suppress" and "treat" (not cure) a cough has been variations on "sugar" and "honey". Read how the CDC & NIH recommends honey and/or sugar lozenges. That is all they recommend ~ seriously.

Note: Until now, in the history of medieval AND modern medicine, there has NEVER been a repeatable, instant, permanent cure for medically unexplained (acute or) chronic cough (MUCC). There has only been very ineffective sugar and honey “over the counter” (OTC) recipes for temporary suppression of cough, which have been almost unchanged since medieval times.
CDC recommends honey for cough.

The amazing reach of Dr. Weinberger's instant and permanent cure from refractory unexplained chronic cough (RUCC), properly and correctly diagnosed as "habit cough", has expanded around the world - in children AND adults. Because of this, we have made the decision to adjust our name up from "" to "The Habit Cough Association™" (

Our name change allows us all of its awesome potential and possibilities to bring The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy everywhere around the local languages and dialects (with your volunteer translation assistance).

One of the main goals of The Habit Cough Association™ is to bring knowledge of The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy to all of the rural and medically underserved areas of the world.

More big news will be forthcoming, as we complete all of the associated paperwork as The Habit Cough Association™.

The Habit Cough Association™ will provide outreach, education & information about Dr. Weinberger's life and family altering work. No medical advice will be provided. Dr. Weinberger wants you to communicate with your doctor.

We will work tirelessly to have The Weinberger Procedure "by-proxy" translated into numerous languages and dialects around the world. HERE is an archive of all translations and variations.

Download The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy videos when YouTube is not available - for offline viewing in areas without internet access.

All that is necessary to facilitate The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy anywhere in the world is cellphone, tablet or computer of any kind. If YouTube is not available in your location, or you wish to download the files directly, the videos are located HERE and HERE.

You may tell your doctor about The Weinberger Procedure via this simplified referral sheet if you wish HERE.

The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy represents the almost "miraculous", and instantaneous end of a long difficult "horror journey" for the patient, their family and friends. The Weinberger Procedure instantly cures children and adults who have felt hopeless, helpless, forsaken &, lost, with a non-stop, mystery, horror cough - finally and correctly diagnosed as Habit Cough.

Your diagnosis and outcome might certainly be different ~ and is not guaranteed in any way. Consult with your doctor for any diagnosis and treatment plan. Your doctor might certainly charge you a fee. There is no guarantee of outcome. This website does not provide any medical advice. Only your doctor can do this.

In our "End of the Road" logo, purple combines the calm stability of blue, and the fierce energy of ruby red.

The calm stability and fierce energy represent the mommies and daddies who never gave up and never gave in, on a search for their child's diagnosis, cure & recovery.

This is the Habit Cough Association™ "End of the Road" symbol.

They are always willing to forgo sleep and "deep dive" the Internet through their tears, knowing that one day they will find a brilliant doctor with an instant cure for their sweet little children (or adult patients).

So much of a mommy and daddy's love.

Ruby red is the color of Dorothy's slippers in the Wizard of OZ. Dr. Weinberger explains to the children (and adult patients) they always had the power to make their cough go away. They just have to learn how to do it themselves. Dr. Weinberger teaches the little children and adults how to make their Habit Cough go away - for good. The children become so proud of themselves - they did it all! Note: If a new version of their previously cured cough arrives; they will know how to make the new cough go away "... like riding a bicycle!"

The intertwined hearts symbolize the love that you have for your child (or adult patient) and the loving and enduring passion that Dr. Weinberger has always had for the suffering children and adults of the world. This passion drives him.

Like you, he never gives up and he never gives in.

Dr. Weinberger hoped that one day all the sweet children and adults will be instantly cured from the horrors of their Habit Cough with his Weinberger Procedure "by proxy". He didn't expect that so many adults would also be so instantly and permanently cured. This makes him very happy & satisfied.

He hopes that today is the end of the road for your child's or adult patient's Habit Cough.

They've always had the cure; they just had to learn it themself.

As you will note here, on YouTube, the World Habit Cough Cure Map, and other places, we will bring you wonderful stories of formerly "hopeless", "helpless", and "forsaken" children and adults everywhere in the world.

We will still provide NO medical advice - in any manner fashion or form - on this website. Dr. Weinberger's greatest desire is for patients and their doctors to communicate.

We hope that by becoming an "association", we will be able to get the word out; especially in "rural and medically underserved" locations around the world.

Habit Cough Diagnosis

by Dr. Miles Weinberger, M.D.

Updated to include "acute" cough (below) by Dr. Weinberger on March 19, 2020

"The repetitive [daytime only] barking cough that is not present once the patient is asleep is the diagnostic criteria." (Note: It might take a while for the patient to fall asleep. It matters whether the cough is not present once asleep; only to return once awake. - Editor note.)

"The characteristics of the self-perpetuating [daytime] Habit Cough is its repetitiveness and absence once asleep."

Once the patient meets the diagnostic criteria for [daytime] Habit Cough, even while the repetitive cough is still considered acute (less than 4 weeks), treatment with suggestion therapy [The Weinberger Procedure HERE] is appropriate.

There is no need to wait until the [daytime only] cough is considered to be chronic (4 weeks/ child & 8 weeks/adult)

Multiple patients report that knowledge of The Weinberger Procedure allows them to stop their future [daytime] coughs during the acute period once diagnosis of Habit Cough has been met.

Updated to include "acute" cough by Dr. Weinberger on March 19, 2020. Note: Dr. Weinberger is a big proponent of patient interaction with their doctors - as are we. Many adults and parents report that they have quite successfully utilized The Weinberger Procedure on themselves or their children with numerous instant cures in the first days of their new acute coughs - long before they become "chronic" in length. They report their cures to their amazed doctors. Please consult with your doctor. If you attempt to utilize The Weinberger Procedure on yourself or your child, you are doing this under your own volition.

Please communicate with Dr. Weinberger HERE at no cost or fee.



Special note: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; it typically refers to a properly diagnosed "habit cough". Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.

© 2024 by The Habit Cough Association™ - Stopped. rapidly cured & completely amazing!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment information or expectation of outcome ~ in any way, shape, manner, or form. Consult with your trusted medical personnel for potential diagnosis and treatment. Use the knowledge contained herein at your own free will, with no warranty or absolutely NO expectation of a positive, or any other type of outcome for any illness, comorbidity, or medical concern, and in acceptance of and agreement with our disclaimer/terms of service/terms and conditions. NOT every cough is a "habit cough".


Only make decisions based upon the advice of your trusted doctors. To do otherwise would be unwise.


The use of this website constitutes your agreement with our terms of service located HERE. Not responsible for offsite links. The use of this website does not create or constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Weinberger in any manner, fashion, or form.

This cough cure research website was conceived of, created, developed, edited, and is maintained by Mr. Dennis Buettner, Director of The Habit Cough Association™, from publicly available, peer reviewed & published manuscripts and information. It does not provide medical advice.  Use of this research website is in accordance and agreement with our terms. and service agreement.


Any and all opinions contained herein are the opinions of Dennis Buettner; who is NOT a doctor, and nobody else.


For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. 

Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression, or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you might want to consider consulting with your doctor, and medical team for any of your health concerns.  For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available, and government websites, publications, communications and other research elements and processes. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.

References on this website to any specific company, organization, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. Mentions of such entities or persons on this website is never to be considered an endorsement, recommendation or referral in any manner fashion or form.

If you have any concerns with this website: click HERE.

All opinions are my own.

Mr. Dennis E. Buettner

Research Director
Habit Cough Association™


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