First of Its Kind Novel Cures of Chronic Cough
Reimagine ~ "Actual routine cough cure; not just a treatment." - The Habit Cough Association is a telemedicine cough cure medical research, education, news, and patient advocacy organization for doctors, researchers, adult, & pediatric patients. We are supported by an international team of medical translators, & contributors. All information contained herein has been peer reviewed & published where necessary. Not medical advice. Consult with your doctors. This website has been created and maintained by Dennis and Bethany Buettner. We have consulted with Dr. Miles Weinberger but he does not directly contribute to this site.

Internet Hero of the Year
An innovative new medical paradigm for the benefit of all humanity!
Until The Weinberger Procedure ~ there has never been an instant and permanent cure for cough in the history of humankind. (Ever)
Now, available for use online, or in your adult,​ or pediatric doctor's office.
Just peer reviewed and published "Cures of the Cough without a Cause" HERE.
Please assist with the first ever Worldwide Cough Survey HERE
Simplified doctor referral sheet. HERE
-- Notice to physicians and researchers - All medical research on this website is peer reviewed and published with offsite links to & esteemed medical journals for your validation. --​
"Few people in modern history can be pointed to, who have achieved this level of instantaneous curative medicine. Even fewer have witnessed something so astounding - and filmed it. (I filmed it or even I would not believe it.)
Our family believes that Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist, will be known as the singular person who researched, developed and deployed an instantaneous diagnosis and curative miracle therapy, "by proxy", or via telemedicine that halts the horrors of chronic cough - habit cough in helpless, hopeless and forsaken children, adults and geriatric patients.
All of this is astonishing medical information is provided as Dr. Weinberger's gift; free anywhere in the world - in your native language. (Volunteer translators needed.) Medical personnel anywhere in the world may utilize The Weinberger Procedure with the blessing of Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist. Email him to tell your winning cure stories. It will assist in his research.
This is OUR horror cough medical miracle. We hope it can be yours too!
Dr. Miles Weinberger is the world's Internet Hero of the Year! He is our hero for a lifetime!" - Bethany & The Buettner Family
Please take a moment to help Dr. Weinberger with his continuing research into the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Cough - Habit Cough HERE.

This is the Habit Cough "End of the Road" symbol.
It represents the almost "miraculous", and instantaneous end of a long difficult journey. The Weinberger Procedure instantly cures children and adults who have felt hopeless, helpless and forsaken, with a non-stop, mystery, horror cough - finally and correctly diagnosed as Habit Cough.
Purple combines the calm stability of blue, and the fierce energy of ruby red.
The calm stability and fierce energy represent the mommies and daddies who never gave up and never gave in on a search for their child's diagnosis and cure.
They are always willing to forgo sleep and "deep dive" the Internet through their tears, knowing that one day they will find a brilliant doctor with an instant cure for their sweet little children.
So much of a mommy and daddy's love.
Ruby red is the color of Dorothy's slippers in the Wizard of OZ. Dr. Weinberger explains to the children they always had the power to make their cough go away. They just have to learn how to do it themselves. Dr. Weinberger teaches the little children and adults how to make their Habit Cough go away - for good. The children become so proud of themselves - they did it all!
The intertwined hearts symbolize the love that you have for your child and the loving and enduring passion that Dr. Weinberger has always had for the suffering children of the world. This passion drives him. Like you, he never gives up and he never gives in.
Dr. Weinberger knew that one day all the sweet children will be instantly cured from the horrors of their Habit Cough with his Weinberger Procedure "by proxy", or via telemedicine.
He hopes that today is the end of the road for your child's Habit Cough.
They've always had the cure; they just had to learn it themself.

Special important note of gratitude and respect
Few people do it alone. Many people come and go along the way in our lives. They provide us with parts of the puzzle. It is our job to put the pieces in place. They are crucial to the medical miracles that we witness today.
To the men and women doctors, nurses, researchers, practitioners, assistants, writer, editors, mommies, daddies and caregivers, who, over so many years have helped Dr. Weinberger and his predecessors refine and define the diagnosis and treatment for Habit Cough. Dr. Weinberger speaks with such reverence of them.
You are protectors of the world's children.
When I hear him speak of his predecessors and colleagues, there is a song of life in his voice. It sounds like the are all a team of brilliant and compassionate women and men of medicine, all striving to achieve the same goal. It reminds me of every college cheer. Never stopping - onward to victory. Go! Go! Go! Win!
Victory for these men and women is the silence of a child - who no longer coughs - where the only sound is of joyful childish laughter.
You are protectors of the world's children.
Dr. Weinberger speaks with such reverence and quotes them so thoroughly that sometimes when I look them up, I find they are long since deceased. He also makes it seem like the colleagues who are still living are just around the corner.
When we use the term, "miracle", we are referring to our family's miracle. We all have miracle workers in our lives. Some are just more evident.
We would not have had our family's miracle unless Dr. Weinberger returned the email of a distraught, helpless father (me) about his forsaken child. He would not have been able to rescue our sweet child had it not been for all of you.
You are protectors of the world's children.
We recognize and award you The Protectors of Children Award
The Protector of Children Award was first presented by our 4 year old son, Hunter to Mrs. Debbie Gray, Nurse, neighbor, in 2009. She ran after our child, Hunter, who she thought was running down the street without a purpose. She bolted from her house, leaping down 6 stairs in a mad tear, yelling, "... Hunter, stop! Hunter, stop!" only to soon realize that Hunter was running toward his mother who had stepped behind a garage. Her protector of children instincts kicked in and she rescued him. All praise to the rescuers and protectors of children in the world.
Dennis & Jennifer Buettner
Bethany, Christian & Hunter
Severna Park, Maryland

Christian, Hunter & Bethany

Hunter, Christian & Bethany

Dennis, Jen, Granddaddy, Muzzy
Hunter, Christian & Bethany
We live in Maryland, near Annapolis. Daddy has worked in the US Navy and the space & satellite industry for more than 35 years. Mommy is a lice removal specialist for (really). We are a very normal and fun loving family.
Dennis is available to be interviewed about his family's experiences with Habit Cough and Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
Our house is a bunch of television studios and Bethany will begin broadcasting Happy Television soon. Our boys will begin broadcasting the eSports and Gaming Network at the same time.
We had a huge bump in the road with Bethany's Habit Cough, and then, when all hope was lost for her cure, we met Dr. Weinberger. Her all encompassing Horror Cough stopped our normal life and put us into protector mode for Sweet Bethany.
I would deep dive the Internet every day and night; non stop, deeper and longer, knowing that her cure had to be out there. Problem was; nobody even knew what to call a chronic cough in children that wouldn't stop.
Literally, on the day when we had exhausted every single medical options and all hope was gone to find a cure, I dove just a little bit deeper. I found a humble & simple pediatric pulmonologist & researcher from the University of Iowa, but he had retired. If only he still used and looked at his old university email, then maybe he would know of someone who could help our forsaken daughter.
Below is the email I received from Dr. Ran Anbar from La Jolla, California, USA (He can perform The Weinberger Procedure or consult). He told me about Dr. Miles Weinberger, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Iowa, Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital, and BOOM!
This is the exact first time that I had ever heard his name. Ever. @ Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 12:10 AM

Click below for Habit Cough news and stories.