First of Its Kind Novel Cures of Chronic Cough
Reimagine ~ "Actual routine cough cure; not just a treatment." - The Habit Cough Association is a telemedicine cough cure medical research, education, news, and patient advocacy organization for doctors, researchers, adult, & pediatric patients. We are supported by an international team of medical translators, & contributors. All information contained herein has been peer reviewed & published where necessary. Not medical advice. Consult with your doctors. This website has been created and maintained by Dennis and Bethany Buettner. We have consulted with Dr. Miles Weinberger but he does not directly contribute to this site.

Cures of the cough without a cause everywhere in the world.
- This is a fact based cough cure research website for medical doctors & their patients. -Unless otherwise noted; all pertinent information contained herein has been peer reviewed and published in renowned medical journals, and, or government websites for your validation. There is no cost or fee for any information available on this website. News updates HERE.
Dr. Weinberger's habit cough cure script HERE
Post COVID-19 and Long COVID cough cure update: Dr. Weinberger has received numerous unsolicited, verified reports of post, & long COVID-19 cough cure success utilizing his procedure. - Please report any post-viral, COVID-19 & Long COVID cough cures utilizing Dr. Weinberger's submission form HERE. Note: Please include any post-influenza cough, & cures too.
“Functional Respiratory Disorders” – Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. - Children's National Hospital
This is the brilliant and medical paradigm shifting presentation that esteemed practitioners from renowned medical centers around the world request from Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
The presentation is an unedited version requested by, and presented to the pediatric pulmonology team at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C.
If you would like to have Dr. Weinberger present to your pediatric or adult medical team anywhere in the world, please contact him directly. HERE
Doctor consultation / referral sheet. HERE
Remember: Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with, and trust your doctors.
Until The Weinberger Procedure ~ there has never been an instant and permanent cure for cough in the history of humankind. (Ever)
You most likely have never stated the word "cure," regarding your adult or child patient's cough - until now!
Just peer reviewed and published: "Cures of the Cough without a Cause" HERE.
Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD - 50 Year Curriculum Vitae HERE. His peer reviewed and published cough cure research is located HERE
Now, available for use online, or in your adult,​ or pediatric doctor' office. Refractory, unexplained, chronic cough, instantly and permanently cured in adults and children - in minutes or even seconds!
The Weinberger Procedure "by-proxy" script is key to the instant and permanent cure of refractory unexplained chronic cough (RUCC) diagnosed as "habit cough". Please print and utilize or translate to your native language HERE, to utilize in-office or via telemedicine calls with your patients.
Just peer reviewed and published "Cures of the Cough without a Cause?" HERE.
The video above has been provided to Dr. Weinberger by Mrs. Kim Cutler, NSW, Australia. It shows her 15 year old daughter, Abby filming herself being instantly cured from a 5 year, terrifying, chronic habit cough. It arrived in its original form, unsolicited. It is quite amazing.
She had a completely new cough occur months later. Her mum told her to chase it away.
Using her knowledge of The Weinberger Procedure, Abby instantly halted her new, and unassociated acute cough, as have many other children from around the world. This is the power of The Weinberger Procedure.
Welcome to all the renowned pediatricians, allergists, pulmonologists and pediatric pulmonologists, family practice doctors, FAAP, pediatricians, (SLT), ENTs, nurses, nurse practitioners (NP), registered nurses (RN), psychologists, medical hypnotists, and medical providers from around the world. These professionals are now referring their child and adult patients to Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published letters, manuscripts and curative therapy videos here at
For your independent validation and verification (IV&V) - Notice to physicians and researchers - All of Dr. Miles Weinberger's medical research on this website is peer-reviewed and published with offsite links to & esteemed medical journals for your validation.
Read THIS first.
News alert: Read Dr. Weinberger's updated diagnosis which now recommends The Weinberger Procedure for children and adults with acute, as well as chronic habit cough.
Read below for pediatricians, pulmonologists, pediatric pulmonologists and asthma/allergy physicians to utilize in their medical offices / clinical settings.
NEW! - Just peer reviewed & published - "Functional Respiratory Disorders in Children" HERE
NEW! - Just published on YouTube - "Habit Cough Syndrome (Chronic cough cured in children and adults) " HERE << The presentation most requested of Dr. Weinberger by renowned doctors.
NEW! - Just peer reviewed & published (JACI - In Practice) - "Habit Cough in Adults" - HERE
NEW! - Just published on - "Clinical Pearl: Habit Cough in Children Cured With Brief Suggestion Therapy" - HERE
Full version of Dr. Weinberger's habit cough cure video.
He wants you to watch this video.
Dr. Weinberger, MD., is the first & only person to discover a replicable and permanent cure for "awake only" acute and chronic cough, diagnosed as Habit Cough around the world "by-proxy" and via telemedicine calls.
** Volunteer Medical Provider Translators needed. Help children and adults to be cured in their language and yours. Your voice will cure children for the next 50 years with only 60 minutes of effort. HERE **
Please read the following peer-reviewed and published cough information from Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, Pediatric Pulmonology, Chest Journal, and more. Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD would like to speak with you about becoming a member of his international resource provider list to utilize The Weinberger Procedure in your locale.
Read Dr. Weinberger's published letter, "Unexpected and unintended cure of habit cough by proxy" first HERE. It sets the stage for your knowledge of diagnosis and treatment of Habit Cough - by proxy and via telemedicine
Read Dr. Weinberger's published letter, "Chronic cough in children and adults" HERE,. It validates his "cure by proxy" and via telemedicine, with The Weinberger Procedure.
Please take a moment to help Dr. Weinberger with his continuing research into the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic cough - Habit Cough HERE.
Dr. Weinberger instructed our sweet daughter how to control and stop her vicious horror coughing and that's just what she did - in mere minutes. After months of horrible, unstoppable, untreatable and vicious Habit Coughing, his auto-suggestion therapy stopped her unstoppable cough in minutes. Children and adults can be instantly cured of the horrors of Habit Cough by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist, anywhere in the world in mere minutes "by proxy" or via telemedicine.
Habit Cough Syndrome (Chronic cough cured in children and adults) – Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
Video above.
This is the highly requested presentation the Dr. Weinberger gives to medical doctors and pulmonology specialists around the country. He communicates and consults with doctors around the world at no cost.
Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
Pediatric Pulmonologist, Asthma and Cough Researcher
What exactly is a Pediatric Pulmonologist? HERE.
Dr. Weinberger is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics from the University of Iowa and is currently Visiting Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital, He is Board Certified in both Allergy and Pediatric Pulmonology.
A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, he received training at the University of California in San Francisco, National Institute of Health, National Jewish Hospital in Denver, and the University of Colorado. Dr. Weinberger authored over 200 manuscript publications, 44 book chapters, and a book entitled Managing Asthma. He has been an invited speaker more than 500 times throughout the United States and in 22 countries.

Dr. Weinberger wants to hear your success story or to communicate with you about your cough at no cost. (Our sweet hopeless, helpless and forsaken child, Bethany was instantly and permanently cured in mere minutes by Dr. Weinberger.)
Communicate with Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD HERE.