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Cures of the cough without a cause everywhere in the world.
- This is a fact based cough cure research website for medical doctors & their patients. -Unless otherwise noted; all pertinent information contained herein has been peer reviewed and published in renowned medical journals, and, or government websites for your validationThere is no cost or fee for any information available on this website. News updates HERE.

Must Read: Since Hippocrates - Habitual Cough in children AND adults ~ same diagnosis & now a cure


Cough cure fact: Until now, in the history of medicine since Hippocrates, there has never been an in-office, telemedicine AND by-proxy cough cure ~ via a YouTube documentary.


There is a GREAT debate within the worldwide pulmonology community concerning habit cough in adults, claiming, "Habit/tic cough is another aetiology found particularly in children..." HERE with no mention of adult habit cough. Some renowned pulmonologists HERE even state "We try not to use that term ...," and do not accept that habit cough can be the diagnosis for decades long vicious and violent illness in adults. (Dr. Weinberger has had numerous unsolicited rapid and permanent cures in adults from around the world. Many have suffered from years and decades of mystery "horror cough", with no treatment, let alone a cure from their providers.) As you will see below, habitual [habit] cough was diagnosed in adult Tiberius Caesar, and in other adults noted in ancient medical tomes. No differentiation was made between adults and children in every medical document we have discovered and reviewed. Note: Dr. Weinberger, a pediatrician, had never treated an adult, and was quite pleasantly surprised by all of the adults rapidly and permanent cures.


After hiding in plain sight for thousands of years, the world renowned, 40 year, cough cure researcher from University of Iowa, Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, "unexpectedly" & "unintentionally" discovered a "habit cough" cure via-telemedicine and simply by watching a fun "peer reviewed and published" YouTube documentary. (Yes the rapid & permanent cure occurs by watching a YouTube documentary.)


"Moreover, 40% of adults with chronic cough referred for specialist evaluation have no identified cause (known as unexplained chronic cough) or have persistent cough despite optimal treatment of conditions associated with chronic cough (known as refractory chronic cough)." HERE


Habit Cough Diagnosis by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD Updated to include "acute" cough (below) by Dr. Weinberger on March 19, 2020

The repetitive [daytime/awake] barking cough that is not present once the patient is asleep is the diagnostic criteria. (It might take a while for the patient to fall asleep. It matters whether the cough is not present once asleep; only to return once awake. - Editor note.)

The characteristics of the self-perpetuating [daytime] Habit Cough is its repetitiveness and absence once asleep.

Once the patient meets the diagnostic criteria for [daytime] Habit Cough, even while the repetitive cough is still considered acute (less than 4 weeks), treatment with suggestion therapy [Dr. Weinberger's Procedure HERE; in-office, via-telemedicine and by-proxy] is appropriate. There is no need to wait until the [daytime] cough is considered to be chronic (4 weeks/ child & 8 weeks/adult)


Multiple patients report that knowledge of Dr. Weinberger's Procedure allows them to stop their future [daytime] coughs during the acute period once diagnosis of Habit Cough has been met.

Note: Dr. Weinberger is a big proponent of patient interaction with their doctors. Many adults and parents report that they have quite successfully utilized The Weinberger Procedure on themselves or their children with numerous rapid cures in the first days of their new acute [daytime] coughs - long before they become "chronic" in length. They report their cures to their amazed doctors. Please consult with your doctor prior to your use of Dr. Weinberger's Procedure. If you attempt to utilize The Weinberger Procedure on yourself or your child, you are doing this under your own volition.


If you meet the diagnostic criteria as noted above, Dr. Weinberger would like you to communicate with you, and or your doctor (at no cost), and watch this video HERE



Special note 1: It may have taken a while, but after 335+ years of suffering, Dr. Weinberger has finally developed a replicable and reliable, "rapid & permanent cure" in-office, via-telemedicine AND simply by watching a YouTube documentary for "Habitual Cough", known correctly as "Habit Cough" (acute and chronic). The first noted named diagnosis is in the document concerning the diagnosed a violent habitual cough of adult, Tiberius Caesar, in De Vitis Caesarum [On the Vine of Caesars, Chapter 23] .

Note: Even Hippocrates observed what is now known as Habit Cough in and around 450 BC as shown below.


Special note 2: (Updated to definitively include "Adult Persons" from 1685 below). It is noted that the 1694 London medical journal makes NO reference to Habitual Cough occurring ONLY in children. In fact, it actually makes no mention of children OR adults at all. This makes one think that Habitual Cough can occur in children AND adults. Remember that during this time period, the writer had to be very succinct in everything that was to be published. This is due to the time it takes to set lead type and the inherent cost of ink and paper (also, they were perfectionists). That they did or did NOT mention children - or adults for that matter would be very important. Based on what we know about adults with Habit Cough, it all becomes very clear.


Special note 3: In the 1685/1694 description/diagnosis of Habitual Cough it does NOT mention the length of the persons cough which, "... continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone." This too, agrees with Dr. Weinberger's diagnosis of being either acute or chronic in length. (Chronic cough in child >4 weeks. Chronic cough in adults >8 weeks.) Acute cough is the time period lead up to "chronic cough" for each.


Special note 4: This is almost exactly Dr. Weinberger's diagnosis word for word, if you take into account the use of Olde English versus Modern English: Olde English diagnosis: "viz. [namely] constantly justsomany set hours after Meals;... viz. [namely] a violent dry Cough following her day and night, unless when she was fallen asleep:..."


Modern English diagnosis: "The repetitive [awake] barking cough that is not present once the patient is asleep is the diagnostic criteria. (It might take a while for the patient to fall asleep. It matters whether the cough is not present once asleep; only to return once awake. - Editor note.)


Special note 5: Every medical doctor takes the "Hippocratic Oath". We found the 1846 modern English translation "THE WRITINGS OF HIPPOCRATES AND GALEN". He spoke a lot about coughing. "Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the classical period who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is traditionally referred to as the "Father of Medicine" in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field, such as the use of prognosis and clinical observation, the systematic categorization of diseases, or the formulation of humoural theory."






We found this awesome Hippocrates Habit Cough information by first hearing about "The ‘cough of Perinthos’ epidemic The ‘cough of Perinthos’ epidemic is an influenza-like outbreak, recorded in the Books Epidemics II, Epidemics IV, Epidemics VI and Epidemics VII (52,54,56,57). It occurred in Perinthos, an ancient Greek seaside town on the Sea of Marmara, the inland sea, which connects the Black to the Aegean Sea.


Click HERE to read this great medical text in its entirety.


Yes, Hippocrates described/diagnosed what is now known as "Habit Cough". He made no differentiation between a child or adult. (An adult female with Habit Cough was noted in the 1685 medical textbook below, and Tiberius Caesar below was an adult male diagnosed with habitual cough.)


Hippocrates has a great description of what is meant by "habit". Unfortunately, he did not mention habit & cough, so we will have to refer to the document (below) for the first written mention of "Habitual Cough". Hippocrates did not note a cure for Habit Cough. Dr. Weinberger's rapid and permanent cure via telemedicine, in-office and by-proxy via YouTube would have to come later.


Here are some of Hippocrates notes and observations of Habit Cough.


He described the cough that remained after the cold that caused the cough has been cured.




Below are 2 examples of Hippocrates observations of "... habitual cough, which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone ..."

This person coughed after their fever had broken. This is common for children and adults with a lingering post-viral cough. This is known as "Habit Cough".






Habitual Cough Diagnosed in Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus


Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus[a] (/taɪˈbɪəriÉ™s/; 16 November 42 BC – 16 March AD 37) was the second Roman emperor. He reigned from AD 14 until 37, succeeding his stepfather, the first Roman emperor Augustus.



This was an incredible find about one of The Twelve Caesars known of Tiberius. It cannot be imagined that this was the first time that someone used the phrase, "habitual cough." Easily, Tiberius was attended to by the chief medical doctor of the time. As noted above (and below), Hippocrates wrote about habits.


"Habit, viz [namely].: that it is a permanent and durable affection, whether that be good or bad; the latter may be such, either simply, or comparatively; but the former is simply so, in the best constitution."


From the renowned tome De Vitis Caesarum [On the Vine of Caesars] Chapter 23, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus's De Vitis Caesarum: biographies of twelve successive Roman rulers, from Julius Caesar to Domitian.


“... and Tiberius had merely taken a medicine for an habitual cough, which was continually growing worse.”


We were reviewing the history of Habit Cough and found some interesting "Olde English" Habitual Cough (Habit Cough) writings.




HUGE FIND! - Update 12/09/2021 Just found HERE. Until now, there was no definitive mention of "adults" or "children" specifically. "Habitual" or "habit cough" had always been thought of as a child's illness. Somehow, it devolved from an adult illness and was locked in as a child illness. This medical text book from 1685; a full 9 years earlier than our "1694 Medical Textbook" that was our biggest discovery. This find might be even bigger than the 1694 Medical Textbook, in comparison!


Dr. Thomas Willis, MD, FRS Founding member and Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS)


Dr. Thomas Willis, MD, FRS (27 January 1621 – 11 November 1675) was an English doctor who played an important part in the history of anatomy, neurology and psychiatry.[1] He was a founding member of the Royal Society.


Note: This medical textbook was published 10 years after Dr. Willis' death in 1675. It is believed to be part of a series from the original printing in 1678.




From: The LONDON PRACTICE OF PHYSICK Contained in the First Part of the Pharmaceutice Rationalis of Dr. WILLIS (c. 1685)


Page 265 - Of Convulsions in Adult Persons "Afterword those Convulsions [coughs that were so violent that they were like the convulsive coughs we see HERE] more frequently molested her, and at length becoming periodical and habitual, they return'd twice a day," "viz. [namely] constantly justsomany set hours after Meals;... viz. [namely] a violent dry Cough following her day and night, unless when she was fallen asleep:..."


Dr. Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont


Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont (Baptised 20 October 1614 – December 1698[3]) was a Flemish alchemist and writer, the son of Jan Baptist van Helmont. He is now best known for his publication in the 1640s of his father's pioneer works on chemistry, which link the origins of the science to the study of alchemy.



Until these terrific finds, the oldest reference that I knew of was Dr. Berman's 1966 peer reviewed and published paper HERE about Habit Adolescent Children. This led us to Dr. Weinberger.)


Had we blinked, we would have missed the whole Habit Cough thing and any potential for Bethany's rapid cure.


The best part is when, after noting the date: 1694, I had a couple buddies assist me deciphering the "Olde English" text on the front page and interior. Printed on Lombard St., & George-Yard, London, England. HERE I included it below the graphic. (The old style "s" looks kind of like a "f", but it is definitely a "s".) Full text HERE.

Basically, this says is "habitual cough, which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone," [post-viral cough]. - This is also very similar to the modern diagnosis of Habit Cough HERE.


The only thing missing was "... absence of cough when the child was sleeping." Dr. Weinberger nailed this part for an perfect diagnosis criteria.


Note: They did not explain how to cure "Habitual Cough". The world and we would have to wait 325 years for Dr. Weinberger to rescue children and adults from "Habitual Cough" [Habit Cough]. - Dennis


Here is what the interior text says about "Habitual Cough" (best attempt at converting Olde English into modern English).


[Page] 118 Observations concerning​


"to endeavor to alleviate and diminish our Cough by little and little, to refrain are coughing as much as possible, and to abstain from much hawking, spitting and loud speaking, and so by this means bring our Life into repose and quiet again.

When our Life therefore any time through Impatience, is stirr’d up into a too vehement Action; it often happens that this produceth a customary or habitual cough, which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone, from which two last Coughs, viz the Impatient and the Habitual Cough, often proceed Consumptions, Tiffick, and other Distempers; because by continual coughing we void much Phlegmy matter, and the more we void of these, the more our strength is diminished; in as much as this Phlegmy matter (which has its Original from the Bones, which are the parts wherein our Life is continually operative) is not found in found in healthy People but elaborated"


Note: Seems that it might mention "Phlegmy matter"; which is "wet cough" (productive cough) and not only "dry cough" (non-productive cough)? Email me with your thoughts on this. Thanks.

Note 3: No mention of tic. As it states above, basically it is a cough after the first cough that just lingers on (for weeks, months, and years). Dennis, my interpretation as a parent only.


The "illness associated" with refractory, acute & chronic, idiopathic cough has been called many things, but no fee, drug free, replicable cure "by proxy" for the acute & chronic cough - habit cough has been peer reviewed and published - until now!



Good examples of violent and convulsive habit coughs. Note: Ella (shown above) coughed so violently and long at more than 20,000/day that her cough sounded like a whisper.



Even with so many name changes, none has been replicably and effectively cured by proxy - except for Habit Cough, since 1685. Rapidly cured with no drugs, by-proxy.



Replicably and rapidly cured - when all else fails - in children and adults with peer reviewed and published, The Weinberger Procedure. Completely drug free.


1. Habit Cough (HC) first noted in adults (1685) & Hippocrates describes - Completely drug free. Rapid cough cure in-office 1966 & "by proxy" and via-telemedicine in 2019. No cost or fee. Drug free cure of "acute" and "chronic" Habit Cough 2021. Easily replicable for ages 3 - 60+ years old, and rapidly cured in English, Spanish and Arabic (translators needed HERE). No in-office visit needed (after your doctor's consultation and referral). This is what makes The Weinberger Procedure cure "by proxy" so revered by medical doctors around the world. "... a fascinating and quite intelligible compilation of clinical wisdom that should be broadly shared with those that treat children."


2. Chronic Cough (CC)* (Hippocrates) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

​3. Chronic Dry Cough (CDC)* (1784) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

4. Pertussis (Whooping/Hooping cough)* (1670) - Antitussive drugs. Cough cure.

5. Chronic Rhinitis (Post Nasal Drip)* (1868) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

6. Tourette Syndrome (TS)* (1885) (Tic or cough debate HERE) - Antitussive & Tourette drugs. No cough cure.

7. Strep Throat (ST)* (1904) - Antitussive drugs. Antibiotics. No cough cure.

8. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease/Acid Reflux (GERD)* (1928) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

9. Neurogenic Cough (NC)* (1947) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

10. Psychogenic Cough (PC)* (1966) (Tic or cough debate HERE) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

11. Cough Reflex Sensitivity (CRS)* (1989) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

12. Unexplained Chronic Cough (UCC)* (1990) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

13. Refractory Chronic Cough (RCC)* (1991) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

14. Cough Variant Asthma (CVA)* (1995) (CVA or Habit Cough HERE) - Asthma drugs. Awakens coughing.

15. Cough Hypersensitivity (CH)* (1996) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

16. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)* (1996) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

17. Chronic Refractory Cough (CRC)* (1998) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

​18. Idiopathic ​Chronic ​Cough ​(ICC)*​ (2002) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

19. Iron Deficiency (potential) (ID) (2012) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

​20. Cough Hypersensitivity Syndrome​ (CHS)* (2012) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.

21. Somatic Cough Syndrome & Tic Cough (SDS & TC)* (2016) - Antitussive drugs. No cough cure. (Tic or cough debate HERE)

22. Aerodigestive Dysbiosis​ (potential for) (AD) (2018) ​- Antitussive drugs. No cough cure.


The ONLY "peer reviewed and published" rapid, drug free cure in-office, via-telemedicine AND by-proxy for your acute & chronic cough in the world with over 95% cure rate* is - The Weinberger Procedure "by proxy"! *Cure rate currently at over 95% for patients diagnosed with acute and chronic Habit Cough who follow the Weinberger Procedure recovery plan.


"Prevention Better than Cure" ~ really?


Comprehensive list of antitussive drugs HERE.


All referenced diagnostic terms above are the first noted direct references as the "exact term" in book search sorted by date. PubMed, or Wikipedia. Other earlier references might exist. If you know of any earlier writings or manuscripts, please let me know. It is unknown if the linked information is peer reviewed, but it certainly was published. Each of these diagnoses and terms was referenced by people who have communicated with me and reported their rapid cures. Thanks.


Special parental observation note: Jennifer and I often wondered if antibiotics might be a cause for Bethany's Habit Cough. This publication describes what we still know as Habit Cough. It is from 1685. There were no antibiotics in 1685. We have removed the thought that there might be any causation / correlation with antibiotics and OUR daughter's Habit Cough. - Dennis & Jennifer


Update 1: Just thinking that 1685 just didn't happen. Whoever wrote this must have had a lot of experience and foreknowledge about "Habitual Cough". This knowledge didn't just appear. I will be searching for earlier occurrences of Habit Cough. The search is on! - Dennis


-- Notice to physicians and researchers - All medical research on this website is peer reviewed and published with offsite links to  & esteemed medical journals  for your validation. --

So many people have said that Bethany's story is THEIR story. Now, Bethany's rapid cure and recovery story from a mystery horror cough properly diagnosed as Habit Cough can be your rapid cure and recovery. The drug free, peer reviewed and published "Weinberger Procedure" is now rescuing and rapidly curing children as young as 3 to adults 60+, with over 15+ years of mystery horror cough - all over the world.


Special note: More and more Habit Cough sufferers from around the world have been referred specifically to this website and the rapid cure perfected by Dr. Weinberger by their neurologist, pediatric pulmonologist, pulmonologist (adult), allergist, pediatrician, nurse practitioner, family practice doctor, and numerous other medical professionals. Each has reported a single or multiple successes after they properly diagnosed their child or adult patient with Habit Cough. Interestingly, many parents of rapidly cured children and adults have actually followed The Weinberger Procedure and then reported their success back to their amazed doctor.


Now you can learn about his peer reviewed and published, replicable rapid cure, free, with no wait time - anywhere in the world. 


Basically, what it says below, in Olde English, from 1694, printed in George-Yard, in Lombard Street , London, England HERE:


"... habitual cough [Habit Cough], which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone, ...". (Full post translated from Olde English HERE)


This is also very similar to the modern "peer reviewed and published" diagnostic criteria for Habit Cough as espoused by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist from Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, California.


Dr. Weinberger has been a dogged and passionate chronic cough researcher, pediatric pulmonologist, pediatric asthma expert and observer for over 40 years and has written numerous "peer reviewed and published" letters and manuscripts about diagnosis and rapid cure of Habit Cough in person, via telemedicine and "by proxy" by watching a YouTube video. 


This is what Dr. Weinberger states in numerous "peer reviewed and published" journals about Habit Cough "The repetitive barking cough that is NOT present once the child [or adult] is asleep is the diagnostic criteria [for Habit Cough]." Dr. Weinberger nailed this part for an perfect diagnosis criteria.

weinberger photo.png

We offer NO MEDICAL ADVICE in any manner or fashion. It only offers content and links to Dr. Weinberger's "peer reviewed and published" work and the brilliant outcomes. If for some reason, you think something is medical advice - IT IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. 


He provides all of his work as a completely free gift to the hopeless, helpless, traumatized and forsaken sufferers (and their families) in the world.

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Stethoscope on the Cardiogram

Special note: When the term "cough" is noted on this website; it typically refers to a properly diagnosed "habit cough". Not all coughs are habit cough. Consult with your doctors.

© 2024 by The Habit Cough Association™ - Stopped. rapidly cured & completely amazing!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment information or expectation of outcome ~ in any way, shape, manner, or form. Consult with your trusted medical personnel for potential diagnosis and treatment. Use the knowledge contained herein at your own free will, with no warranty or absolutely NO expectation of a positive, or any other type of outcome for any illness, comorbidity, or medical concern, and in acceptance of and agreement with our disclaimer/terms of service/terms and conditions. NOT every cough is a "habit cough".


Only make decisions based upon the advice of your trusted doctors. To do otherwise would be unwise.


The use of this website constitutes your agreement with our terms of service located HERE. Not responsible for offsite links. The use of this website does not create or constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Weinberger in any manner, fashion, or form.


This cough cure research website was conceived of, created, developed, edited, and is maintained by Mr. Dennis Buettner, Director of The Habit Cough Association™, from publicly available, peer reviewed & published manuscripts and information. It does not provide medical advice.  Use of this research website is in accordance and agreement with our terms. and service agreement.


Any and all opinions contained herein are the opinions of Dennis Buettner; who is NOT a doctor, and nobody else.


For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. 


Disclaimer: Utilize this information with NO expectation of any diminishment, suppression, or cure for any illness or medical concern. This is NOT a medical treatment website. This information is provided free of charge and free of warranty or guarantee of any kind. The ONLY recommendation that is made is that you might want to consider consulting with your doctor, and medical team for any of your health concerns.  For education purposes only and not to be utilized to diagnose or treat any illness. This document was compiled and authored by Dennis Buettner, from publicly available, and government websites, publications, communications and other research elements and processes. Contents of this document have not been created, reviewed, edited, or approved by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, in any manner, fashion or form, and do not represent his medical advice or opinion. Communicate with your personal doctor.


References on this website to any specific company, organization, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. Mentions of such entities or persons on this website is never to be considered an endorsement, recommendation or referral in any manner fashion or form.


If you have any concerns with this website: click HERE.


All opinions are my own.

Mr. Dennis E. Buettner

Research Director
Habit Cough Association™


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