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First of Its Kind Novel Cures of Chronic Cough
Reimagine ~ "Actual routine cough cure; not just a treatment." - The Habit Cough Association is a telemedicine cough cure medical research, education, news, and patient advocacy organization for doctors, researchers, adult, & pediatric patients. We are supported by an international team of medical translators, & contributors. All information contained herein has been peer reviewed & published where necessary. Not medical advice. Consult with your doctors. This website has been created and maintained by Dennis and Bethany Buettner. We have consulted with Dr. Miles Weinberger but he does not directly contribute to this site.
Here is our story about Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, and his fantastical, unexpected, and unintended cure for the #1 reason that people go to the doctor ~ cough!
Fact: From a 1694 medical textbook. "habitual, cough [absent once asleep] which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone,..." [post-viral cough] -and- for adults from 1685 below. "... a violent dry Cough following her day and night, unless when she [adult female] was fallen asleep:..." These are quite similar to Dr. Weinberger's current habit cough diagnosis HERE.
"Chronic cough is a horribly unpleasant ailment. People can find themselves coughing hundreds of times every hour of their waking lives, for years on end, and current medicines simply aren't effective at relieving this condition." - Professor Stuart Mazzone, via EurekAlert, The Good Cough and the Bad Cough
"This is a one of a kind medical research website. Absolutely nothing like it has ever existed in the world. There is an incredible story that it tells. So many hopeless, helpless, forsaken and lost children and adults have been instantly and permanently cured from one of the most vicious, explosive, horrific and violent illnesses. Had my daddy not filmed me being cured, even I would not believe what happened to me." - Bethany Buettner
This is the backstory about Bethany being cured from 1/2 million daytime / awake / post-viral coughs via a Skype telemedicine video call from Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD.
There has never been a cure for coughing in-office, via-telemedicine AND by-proxy; simply by watching a YouTube documentary in the history of humankind and the science of medicine since Hippocrates.
Patients might hear, "treat," "suppress," and "... we'll keep an eye on it." There will most certainly be no mention of an instant and permanent cure for coughing ~ until now!

Special editor note: With regard to Dr. Weinberger's Habit Cough Syndrome diagnosis, the phrase from Dr. Mazzone, above, "... of their waking lives," the key word is "waking" [awake]. Dr. Weinberger's habit cough diagnosis takeaway is, "... cough absent once asleep; only to return once awake ..." ["... of their waking lives"]
What happens next is a shockingly incredible and mystifying story that was unintended and unexpected.
The world will never be the same for the millions and millions of children and adults who have chronic AND acute cough.
Oh, and then came the COVID-19 post-viral cough!
Medical Researcher - STEAM+B High School
Founder & Editor in Chief of and The Habit Cough Association™
We were driving to an automobile emissions check station in Maryland, and Bethany came up with an idea for her science fair project (below). She asked if she could research, document and educate people about Dr. Weinberger's habit cough cure by-proxy and via telemedicine. This website and The Habit Cough Association is the evolved idea of a then 12 year old junior high school girl.
What Bethany started as the research website based upon her science fair project eventually evolved to become The Habit Cough Association. Now, renowned doctors from the most esteemed medical organizations around the world routinely refer their worst suffering chronic habit cough patients to her website, where they have been instantly and permanently cured from their most vicious and violent intractable chronic coughs. These instantly and permanently cured patients range from 3 to 70 years old, with up to 25+ years of habit cough who had never been correctly diagnosed ~ until now.
The most amazing part is that the instant & permanent cure occurs simply by watching a YouTube documentary video of The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy or via a telemedicine call. This was not expected when was first conceived. It is actually quite absurd. As a matter of fact, nothing close to this outcome was expected when was conceived. Now, Bethany doesn't know what's gonna happen next! Neither does Dr. Weinberger!
It has all been a wonderful and unexpected shock at so many instant and permanent cures from once hopeless, helpless and forsaken children, adults and seniors with up to 25+ years of chronic cough. We are so grateful that Dr. Weinberger has been completely terrific to each and every patient and referring medical doctor.
Bethany's science fair question was: "Can a Mystery Rare Vicious Global Disease be Instantly Cured "by-proxy" Watching a YouTube Video?" (Yes, it can - instantly & permanently. It works great via telemedicine also. This was how Bethany was cured. Dr. Weinberger just did not know that other children and adults would be cured just by watching the YouTube documentary.)
She wanted to create a medical research poster for her school's science fair. She wanted to tell the hopeless, helpless and forsaken people from rural and medically underserved areas of the world that there is now an instant and permanent to their years of mystery "horror cough", known since Tiberius Caesar Augustus as "habitual [habit] cough".

Now, Bethany brings her youthful energy and outlook as writer, medical researcher, graphic artist, audio & video producer, director, talent, website designer, worldwide peer outreach coordinator & editor for this website and The Habit Cough Association.
When Bethany turns 17, she will travel the country to teaching hospitals, so that she may tell young and seasoned medical professionals her growing and fascinating stories with Dr. Weinberger's instant and permanent cure by-proxy, and via-telemedicine calls.
These stories will not include any medical advice. They will, however be stories of how Dr. Weinberger, single handedly devised a brilliant way to cure acute chronic mystery "daytime / awake" horror coughs; diagnosed as "habit cough" in children and adults everywhere around the world. Note: Dr. Weinberger says that he cannot wait to make the tour with her; live or via a Zoom feed.
One of the greatest and most unexpected stories (so far) is how she was rewarded with two bunny rabbits for her diligence as Dr. Weinberger's worldwide "peer outreach" manager. When she meet the "bunny lady", a series of unusual events occurred, and she found out that Johns Hopkins Medicine, a major medical center in Baltimore was "routinely" using her curative video with Dr. Weinberger to cure their most vicious and relentless chronic cough (habit cough) patients in literal minutes. Read all about it HERE.
It is indeed heartwarming and truly astonishing. Had she not received her bunnies, Bethany would have never known that this Johns Hopkins was relying on and referring her video documentary for instant and permanent cures from months of vicious and violent habit cough in their young patients. Imagine being a 14 year old girl and having the greatest medical organization in history using her website when they were out of treatment options; let alone an instant & permanent cure for their hopeless, helpless & forsaken young patients.
She thinks that it would be wonderful for Johns Hopkins to help get word out about Dr. Weinberger's instant and permanent cure to all of the rural and medically underserved areas of the world. Note: Johns Hopkins was so astonished that they invited Dr. Weinberger to present his diagnosis and procedure to their pediatric pulmonology team!
The rest is medical history in the making. If you would like to be part of medical history and help her to bring this brilliant chronic habit cough cure to rural and medically underserved areas of the world, click below on her Patreon link. If you are fluent in a language or dialect, consider becoming a volunteer translator. HERE We will tell you about all the wonderful cures in so many places around the world.
If Bethany can get The Weinberger Procedure translated HERE into 10 more languages, we will petition her former principal to give her the 5 extra points needed for a perfect score (of 70) for her medical research poster.
They did not give her the 5 points because they did not believe that anyone could cure the refractory unexplained cough - but Dr. Weinberger did, and now his video is curing 3 to 70-year-old patients from around the world with up to 25+ years of chronic refractory unexplained cough.
She already has it translated into English (original), Spanish, Mandarin, North Macedonian, German & Turkish.
"I'm protesting the spread of seasonal influenza and Coronavirus!" said Bethany, shyly, to the really nice, but now confused policeman who asked what she was protesting at the state capitol in Annapolis, Maryland. He was amazed when she showed him her awesome medical research poster.

Bethany at the State House Annapolis
Bethany spent over 10 total hours in Annapolis trying to find Governor Hogan. No luck. They thought we were protestors. When the really nice policeman asked what we were protesting, she told him that she was protesting the seasonal influenza. :-( Nobody wanted to hear Dr. Weinberger's cure for acute and chronic cough.

Bethany hoping to meet Gov. Hogan

Cured in Nepal

Bethany at the State House Annapolis
Bethany spent over 10 total hours in Annapolis trying to find Governor Hogan. No luck. They thought we were protestors. When the really nice policeman asked what we were protesting, she told him that she was protesting the seasonal influenza. :-( Nobody wanted to hear Dr. Weinberger's cure for acute and chronic cough.
- Medical Research Poster -
Question: "Can a Mystery Rare Vicious Global Disease be Instantly Cured "by-proxy" Watching a YouTube Video?" (Yes, it can - instantly & permanently and also via-telemedicine.)
It was SOOO cold and windy; even in the bright morning Annapolis sun, but Bethany knew what she had to do. If she could only meet the governor, and tell him about her mitigation and containment plan for seasonal influenza and Coronavirus, but it wasn't meant to be. That did not stop her.
She researched and created a beautiful medical research poster for him.
-- Notice to physicians and researchers - All medical research on this website is peer reviewed and published with offsite links to & esteemed medical journals for your validation. --
This is not just a 13 year old girl's medical research poster. (Read the title. It is shocking. She came up with it on her own.) It is a showcase of Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD's 40+ years of peer reviewed and published work concerning the first instant and permanent cure in medical history for acute and chronic refractory, unexplained, daytime / awake, cough in children and adults - by proxy.
Bethany just knows a little bit more about cough aerosol transmission of virus and Habit Cough than you do, but she always refers to Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published work.
She worked hand-in-hand with world renowned acute and chronic cough researcher, and her friend, Dr. Miles Weinberger, M.D. It is one of the most innovative medical research breakthroughs for the benefit of all humanity! - Dennis (dad)
Diagnose - Cure - Mitigate - Contain
This is My 8th Grade Medical Research Poster Question/Title and Answer
Question/Title: Can a Mystery, Rare, Vicious, Global Cough be Instantly Cured "by proxy" Watching a YouTube Video?
Answer: Yes! (Only the cough is cured, absolutely no any underlying condition is cured.) This is huge, because nobody has ever cured acute and chronic, refractory cough by proxy, except for Dr. Weinberger.
"Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD., Pediatric Pulmonologist from Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, California shows that you can instantly cure the repetitive acute and chronic cough diagnosed as Habit Cough with the "peer reviewed and published" Weinberger Procedure by proxy.
Dr. Weinberger instantly cured me from 500,000 refractory chronic habit coughs in a single, simple Skype video call from his office in San Diego, California to our home in Severna Park, Maryland.
Now, you can be cured from diagnosed acute & chronic Habit Cough by watching a free, simple YouTube video. Recovery after the cure is simple. When you instantly cure the cough, you immediately halt the potential for cough-generated aerosol transmission of virus, influenza, and disease." - Bethany
Bethany visits the Maryland State House and has a 1 girl medical research convention with her poster in the basement canteen. It was blistering cold, and the wind tried to suck the life out of her, but this is what she wanted to do for the children of the world.
To the children and adults she zooms with around the world, she says "... if I can do it; you too!" - Bethany
Here is my finished medical research poster. I was sick for awhile, so I spent my time working on it. I think it will help a lot of people. Wish me luck.
I am Bethany. I am in 9th grade at, and am taking charge of my body and strengthening my mind. I told my daddy that I wanted The Weinberger Procedure to be my medical research poster project. Dr. Weinberger wanted to help!
The title (question) seems unbelievable, but is completely real. I know!
Can a Mystery Rare Vicious Global Disease Instantly Cured - "by proxy" watching a YouTube Video?
My thought is, "If I can do it; you can do it too!" The most important part of The Weinberger Procedure is that you are the one who can make your cough stop. I hope that by making a medical research poster project, it might help just 1 more child to be instantly cured from their horror cough - like me!
So far, numerous (MAP) sweet hopeless, helpless and forsaken children and adults from Nepal, USA, India, China, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Spain, Ireland, England, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Philippines and more have been instantly cured from a horrible & violent, rare, mystery cough called chronic Habit Cough!
The awesome part is these children AND adults were immediately cured, just by watching my video of Dr. Weinberger curing me! (What? Yes!)
I don't understand it all, but I know how wonderful I felt when I was able to be instantly cured from coughing after Habit Coughing over 500,000 times - without any medicine. The best part was when I got a new (unassociated) cough 6 months later, I already knew how to cure it. Now, all the other kids and adults who were cured know how to cure any new habit coughs. (Cough absent once asleep, only to return once awake is the diagnosis.)
I used the power of my brain. "Every day, in EVERY way, I'm getting better and better!" - Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie
I will publish it here on this page when it is done. I hope it will help little boys and girls - and now adults around the world to be cured from the horrors of Habit Cough like I had.
Special note: I used the term "disease" in the title of my science poster. After I had completed it, Dr. Weinberger explained to me that "cough" is not a specific disease, but associated with underlying illnesses or "comorbidities". If I had to title it today, I would state, "Can a Mystery Rare Vicious Global Cough be Instantly Cured "by-proxy" Watching a YouTube Video?" (Yes, it can - instantly & permanently.)
Update: Now, there is a debate about the term "disease". The European Respiratory Society (ERS) is the sister organization - European Union version - of the American Thoracic Society. In the "ERS guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children," they use the word "disease" over 35 times. Note: No use of the word, "cure".

Here are some of my graphics and data that I am using in my Medical Research Poster Project.
Click on the big photo above to enlarge.
I am working with my medical research partner, Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, to show how The Weinberger Procedure instantly cures children and adults from around the world. Until they are cured by The Weinberger Procedure, they are hopeless, helpless and forsaken just like I was.
This just happened. Bethany says that he stole her line. LOL

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